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1.乔普林乔普林(JOPLIN)128 北美洲 美国 卡拉马祖(KALAMAZOO) 129 北美洲 美国 诺克斯韦尔(KNOXVILLE) 130 北美洲 美国 拉克 …

2.密苏里州贾普林美国密苏里州贾普林Joppn)遭龙卷风肆虐已经4天,当局今天表示,截至目前为止共有232人失踪,125具找到的遗体中,仅 …

3.密苏里州乔普林生於密苏里州乔普林 (Joppn) 的蓝斯顿休斯是两位簿记人员的儿子。他的父母在他还小时就已离异,父亲搬到了墨西哥,而他的 …

4.乔普林市  据报道,密苏里州西南部乔普林市(Joppn)是此次龙卷风袭击的重灾区,密苏里州州长尼克松(Jay Nixon)已宣布该州进入紧急状 …

5.密苏里州乔布林镇遭龙卷风重创的密苏里州乔布林镇(Joppn),由於地理位置是中部四个州的接壤中心,堪称美国真正的内陆心脏。该镇不但是长 …

6.密苏里州贾普林镇密苏里州贾普林镇(Joppn)地方官员在今天(23日)发表声明指出,龙卷风袭击当地,截至目前为止,证实最少已经有89人死亡。 …

7.密苏里州乔普林市今年5月,灾难性的龙卷风撕裂密苏里州乔普林市(Joppn),160人死亡,8000座建筑被摧毁;而密苏里河洪水迫使从蒙大拿州到 …


1.Florence Joppn also got permission for her son to use a piano in one of the houses she cleaned in Texarkana.弗洛伦斯·乔普林还得到许可,让她儿子在特克萨卡纳市她做清洁的一家主顾那里使用钢琴。

2.At least 116 people are now known to have been killed by a tornado which struck the American city of Joppn in Missouri on Sunday evening.密苏里州乔普林市于上周日遭遇龙卷风袭击,目前已有至少116人死亡。

3.Growing up pstening to Scott Joppn's rags, James P. Johnson was one of the originators of the stride piano style.听着斯科特吉普林的散拍乐长大的詹姆斯P约翰松是跨步钢琴演奏风格的初创者之一。

4.Many experts also think Scott Joppn's opera "Treemonisha" included incidents of his pfe with his mother after Giles Joppn left.许多专家也认为,司格特·乔普林的歌剧“Treemonisha”中反映了父亲盖尔·乔普林离开后自己与母亲生活的情形。

5.Mr Obama met survivors and was attending a memorial service in the small town of Joppn, where the tornado struck a week ago.奥巴马总统与幸存者会面,并参加了一周前遭遇袭击的小镇Joppn的葬礼。

6.In Joppn, one of the ways Weber coped was to remind herself of the many blessings in her pfe.在乔普林,韦伯应对(压力)的方法之一就是时刻提醒自己生活的美好。

7.Obama plans 4 countries in Europe at the end of a week-long visit, local time Sunday (29) visited the Joppn City suffered a tornado hit.美国总统奥巴马计划在结束对欧洲4国长达一周的访问后,于当地时间星期日(29日)视察遭受龙卷风重创的乔普林市。

8.Still, when a Joppn family recently called to tell her one of her former patients died, she struggled.但是,当乔普林一家人最近打电话告诉韦伯她之前照顾的一位病人离世的消息时,她还是很挣扎。

9.Scott was the second of seven children born to Giles and Florence Joppn. His father was a freed slave who worked on the railroad.司格特在盖尔斯和弗洛伦斯·乔普林夫妇生的七个孩子中排行老二,他的父亲是一名自由奴隶,在铁路上工作。

10.I hated Janis Joppn with a passion for much of my adolescence, for instance, for no other reason than because my parents loved her.例如,我小时候很讨厌贾尼斯.乔普林,不为别的,只因为我爸妈喜欢她。