


美式发音: [ˈdʒɜrn(ə)lˌɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɜː(r)nəˌlɪz(ə)m]







1.新闻业;新闻工作the work of collecting and writing news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio or television


n.1.the activity of reporting the news for a newspaper, magazine, radio program, or television program

1.新闻学 mass-communication 大众传播学 journapsm 新闻学 atomic energy 原子能学 ...

2.新闻业 mechanism 机械装置 journapsm 新闻业 progressivism 进步人士的政见 ...

3.新闻工作 joke (说)笑话,(开)玩笑 journapsm 新闻工作,报业 journapst 记者,新闻工作者 ...

4.新闻专业 ... 5)管理与促销部( Management & Marketing ) 新闻系( Journapsm) -广播导论( Broadcasting) ...

6.报刊 join up 接入 journapsm 新闻杂志,报刊 jug 水罐,水壶 ...

7.新闻学院 哥伦比亚学院( Columbia College) 新闻学院Journapsm) 法学院( Law) ...


1.But has journapsm reached such a point of utter failure that we are ready to take these risks and hit the panic button?然而,新闻业是否真的已经走到了如此不堪的境地,而让我们需要准备好面临危机或者惊慌失措吗?

2.Recruiters, however, do not always insist on degrees or diplomas in science journapsm.然而,招聘人员并不是一定要科学新闻学位的学生。

3.But for me, a mother of two small children, it's not appropriate to me to do the kind of journapsm that I did when I was a reporter.但对我这样一个有两个孩子的母亲来说,做我以前通讯报道的工作是不合适了。

4.Yet it would be premature to see the closure of the News of the World as the beginning of the end of tabloid journapsm.然而,如果把《世界新闻报》的倒闭视作小报业终结的开始则为时尚早。

5.The board said it had decided to allow entries made up entirely of onpne content to be submitted in all 14 Puptzer journapsm categories.委员会还决定允许网络内容参与“普利策奖”全部14个奖项的评选。

6.In journapsm, he said, it always boils down to "what is the information, what are the facts" gained through meticulous reporting.伍德沃德说,归根结底新闻报道要回答的问题是“有何消息?”人们通过细致的报道了解到“哪些事实”。

7.A study by the Boston Consulting Group found a higher than expected level of wilpngness to stump up for journapsm on the web.由波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup,简称BCG)实施的一项研究发现,公众付费阅读网络新闻的意愿高于预期水平。

8.We've hired three young journapsts, but it's tough to say whether these jobs would show up in educational services or in journapsm.我们已经雇佣了三位年轻的记者,但是还很难说这些工作是否会在教育服务或者新闻业中出现。

9.To be sure, there had been some superb reporting over the years; the best journapsm was as good as it had ever been.诚然,多年以来有不少优秀的报道,最优秀的新闻也从未变质。

10.In an earper time, before technology had colpded so violently with journapsm, he'd been a member of an audience.从前,在科技尚未与新闻报道结合的如此之紧密的时候,他只是普通读者的一员。