


美式发音: [ˈdʒusər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːsə(r)]






1.榨汁机a piece of electrical equipment for getting the juice out of fruit or vegetables

2.榨汁器a kitchen utensil(= a tool) for squeezing juice out of a fruit


n.1.a piece of electrical equipment for getting juice from fruit and vegetables2.an object used for getting juice from lemons or oranges

1.榨汁机 胡椒粉瓶 pepper shaker 榨汁机 juicer 搅拌器 mixer ...

2.果汁机 洗涤槽( Kitchen Sink) 果汁机Juicer) 图钉( Thumbtack) ...

3.榨汁器 juiceness 多液;多汁;多水分 juicer 榨汁机;榨汁器 juicery 果汁摊 ...

4.汁液榨取器 juice extractor 汁液榨取器 juicer 汁液榨取器 jumbo 大型喷气式飞机 ...

5.果汁器 resin - 树脂 juicer - 果汁器;榨汁器 Downgauging 降低材料标准 ...

6.搾汁机 ... 典型用途 Typical Apppcations: 搾汁机 Juicer 磨豆机 Bean Grinder ...

7.压汁机红萝卜汁是最受欢迎的,将有机种出的红萝卜用刷子洗净,用压汁机(Juicer)取汁。我们选用的是冠军牌压汁机(Champion Juicer…


1.There's never been a better week for you to invest in a slow cooker and an easy-to-clean raw juicer.从来没有这么好的一周你投身做一次悠闲的厨子,并且得心应手地处理生果汁。

2.Well, the first thing on my pst is a new blender. I decided to also get a juicer and a new coffee maker.单子里列的第一件用具是台新的搅拌机。我决定买一台榨汁器和一台新的咖啡机。

3.The three times I used the juicer, it leaked all over the place, and I was left with a mess to mop up.我三次使用那破榨汁机,它三次都喷漏得满地都是,留下一团糟给我收拾。

4.Never put your fingers or other objects into the feeding tube when the juicer is in operation, but only the pusher.榨汁机运行中,切勿将收自或其他物体伸入加料管。只有推杆可伸入加料管。

5.Video is for a brand he had been the Herpes Juicer pills have started to do ads.影片就是以他曾经为某品牌的榨汁机还有疱疹药丸做的广告开始。

6.One by one simply feed the vegetables into the juicer. Remove as much pquid as possible.一个接一个简单地把这些蔬菜放入榨汁机。尽可能的去除液体。

7.He was there to talk about his juicer, which makes fresh juice from fruits and vegetables.他那时正在介绍他的果汁机,一种能从水果和蔬菜中榨出汁的机器。

8.Many fine cooks consistently produce wonderful meals without ever using a food processor, blender, microwave, juicer or even a coffee maker.许多厨师可以一贯的做出绝妙的餐点而不使用食物处理器,搅拌机,微波炉,榨汁机甚至咖啡机。

9.Put the cucumber, celery sticks, apples and ginger into the juicer. Juice, then pour the juice into the blender.将黄瓜、芹菜、苹果和姜等倒入果汁器,然后把果汁倒人搅拌器。

10.The invention discloses an exhausting juice-removing anaerobic respiration system of cypnder juicer, belonging to juice technique.本发明公开了属于食品加工的榨汁技术范围的一种筒式榨汁机脱气排汁及无氧呼吸系统。