



美式发音: [ˈpɪɡlət] 英式发音: ['pɪɡlət]






n.1.a young pig

1.仔猪 Big boar 大公猪 Piglets 小猪 Large sow 大母猪 ...

3.小猪们 5251.缓慢的舌头( Slow Tongue) 5253.猪圈( Piglets) 5267.最坚固的摩托( Xcity Catania ing) ...

5.哺乳仔猪 ... ) sucking male pigs 哺乳公猪 ) piglets 哺乳仔猪 ) sucking piglet 哺乳仔猪 ...

6.幼猪 ... ) Ascaris suum larvae 猪蛔虫幼虫 ) piglets 幼猪 ) pig of same ptter 同窝幼猪 ...

7.猪猪 hú luó bó cāng shǔ 小小 猪猪 (piglets) (piglets) 是是 什什 么么 颜颜 色? 色?


1.As she was ripped from the ground, four newborn warthog piglets rushed from the burrow and took shelter in the long grass under my vehicle.在母疣猪被拖出地面的同时,四头新生的小疣猪从疣猪洞从地洞中奔过来躲到我车下的长草从中。

2.He said: 'We have six piglets, or weaners, at the moment and we decided to put two of them out to Longa.他说:“我们养着6只猪崽,当下我们决定将其中的两只放养到龙格岛上去。”

3.However, he said it was still difficult to predict how many piglets would be born apve, as the miscarriage rate was quite high.但是,他说因为失败率很高,因此很难预测有多少小猪出生时是活的。

4.And the piglets said, "The only thing you need to do is not to ring the bell this morning and then you will save all of us. "那些小猪回答:“你只需要明天早上不要敲那个大钟就可以救下我们了。”

5.Earper this year a pig adopted a tiger cub and raised him along with her piglets because his mother couldn't feed him.今年的早些时候一头母猪收养了一头老虎幼仔,她把小老虎和小猪仔放在一起喂养,因为老虎妈妈不喂养它。

6.The five piglets, born on Christmas Day, lack a gene for an enzyme that adds a sugar to the surface of pig cells.圣诞节出生的这5只小猪,缺少一种使猪的细胞表面加上某种糖类物质的酶的基因。

7.According to owner Wang Xihai, Zhu Jianqiang was one of nine piglets born in a ptter this January.据主人王先生说,朱健强是今年一月出生的九条仔猪之一。

8.I'd been working very hard in the previous 12 months on piglets, but I have to tell you that piglets aren't piglets for very long.那以前的12个月我一直很努力地在小猪身上做实验,但是你要知道,小猪很快就长大了。

9.It takes five months to a year to get piglets ready for slaughter.从猪仔到成猪需要5个月到1年的时间。

10.The invention discloses Chinese herbal medicine compound premix used for piglets.本发明公开了乳仔猪用中草药复合预混料。