


美式发音: [ˈkipˌseɪk] 英式发音: [ˈkiːpˌseɪk]



复数:keepsakes  同义词




1.纪念品a small object that sb gives you so that you will remember them


n.1.a small object that you keep in order to remind you of someone or something

1.纪念品 keeping 保管,供养,一致 keepsake 纪念品 keg 小桶 ...

2.信物 信托〖 trust;entrust〗 信物〖 token;keepsake;authenticatingobject〗 信息〖 information〗 ...

3.小纪念品 beauty spot 风景区 keepsake 小纪念品 guided tours 有导游的游览 ...

4.纪念品,赠品 namesake n. 同姓,同名,同姓名的人, 同名物。 keepsake n. 纪念品,赠品。 snowflake n. 雪花,雪 …

5.赠送品 LOTTO 乐途 keepsake 赠送品 NIKE 运动 ...

6.公主日记 雅典女神 Athena 公主日记 Keepsake 驿路花香 Floral Dreams ...

7.纪念物 ... 1.(表示怀念) commemorate;mark 2.(纪念物) souvenir;keepsake;memento 3.(用来表示纪念的) co…

8.念心 Kangaroo court 打趣法庭 keepsake 念心 khaki 卡其布;土黄色 ...


1.But most of us hold on to at least one keepsake to remind us of our once-grand passions.但是我们中的大多数人至少会保留一件纪念品,以此来纪念我们曾经伟大的爱情。

2.If you haven't worn it in the last year, move it out of the closet. Sort by destination: giveaway, resale shop, and keepsake.如果某件衣服你去年没有穿,就将它移出衣柜。按它的去处分类:“送人”、“送到二手店”、或是“留作纪念”。

3.Now, that book is a keepsake and a part of history, and I will pass it on to my children.现在,这本书是一个纪念和历史的一部分,我将它传给我的孩子。

4.Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a keepsake?我拿走一张画作纪念,你介意吗?

5.Pampering, canapes , drinks, fashion shows, workshops and a keepsake sterpng silver necklace.情怀,浪漫婚纱展,工作坊和纪念品纯银项链。

6.VIP audience will be presented to the whole set of conference materials , magazines, bag- registration and nice keepsake .注册时赠送VIP贵宾听众全套会议资料,会刊及注册包,精美纪念品;

7.A body into a finger-ring for a keepsake forever.把一具尸体塞进戒指,永久保存。

8.Or find a beautiful keepsake photo album with many pages for his snapshots--he is more sentimental than you think.或为他的迅速射击用许多页找一本美丽的纪念品相簿--他比你想得更感伤性。

9.A small ornamental case for a picture or keepsake , usually worn as a pendant .小金盒用于存放照片或纪念品的装饰性小盒,常当作挂件佩戴。

10.Most brides buy expensive, thousand-dollar dresses to wear only once, before storing them away as a keepsake or possible hand-me-down.多数新娘会购买高价婚纱,数千美元的婚纱只穿一次就变成了压箱底儿的纪念品或旧衣服。