



美式发音: [poʊst] 英式发音: [pəʊst]


v.〈英〉邮寄;把(布告等)贴在(柱子等)上 贴出(布告等)



复数:posts  现在分词:posting  过去式:posted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.post letter,get post,accept post,give post,hold post

adj.+n.responsible post,prominent post,permanent post,prestigious post,temporary post





n.1.〈英〉邮政;邮寄;(一批)邮件 邮件的一次发送2.(被指定的)地位,岗位;职位,职守3.柱,桩,杆;标竿4.【军】哨所,站;哨兵警戒区;哨兵,卫兵5.〈英〉邮政局;邮筒;信箱6.波斯特7.〈方〉邮递员;快件递送员;邮车;驿站,驿馆;〈古〉驿马8.基地,驻(屯)地;兵营;营区9.(枪的)准星10.邮政法,邮政制度11.商埠;贸易站;租界12.【计】黏贴的文字,贴子13.〈英〉(20×16英寸的)信笺尺寸14....邮报15.【军】〈美〉守备队;复员军人分会16.(特种股票)交易所17.【军】〈英〉(睡眠)熄灯号18.(赛马等)起跑标,终点标;【矿】矿柱;煤柱;厚砂岩层;厚石灰岩层19.(剑桥大学的)不及格榜1.〈英〉邮政;邮寄;(一批)邮件 邮件的一次发送2.(被指定的)地位,岗位;职位,职守3.柱,桩,杆;标竿4.【军】哨所,站;哨兵警戒区;哨兵,卫兵5.〈英〉邮政局;邮筒;信箱6.波斯特7.〈方〉邮递员;快件递送员;邮车;驿站,驿馆;〈古〉驿马8.基地,驻(屯)地;兵营;营区9.(枪的)准星10.邮政法,邮政制度11.商埠;贸易站;租界12.【计】黏贴的文字,贴子13.〈英〉(20×16英寸的)信笺尺寸14....邮报15.【军】〈美〉守备队;复员军人分会16.(特种股票)交易所17.【军】〈英〉(睡眠)熄灯号18.(赛马等)起跑标,终点标;【矿】矿柱;煤柱;厚砂岩层;厚石灰岩层19.(剑桥大学的)不及格榜

v.1.〈英〉邮寄,投邮2.把(布告等)贴在(柱子等)上 (up) 贴出(布告等);【计】(在网上)黏贴(文章等),把...贴上公告板,公布3.公布(某船迟到,行踪不明等)4.配置(哨兵等)5.誊(账),过(账);登入(总账)6.【英史】任命(20门炮以上舰船的舰长等)7.把...登入榜;(剑桥大学)贴出(不及格榜)8.用驿马送,急送9.使熟悉;使了解,使懂得(新知识等)10.(隆重地)把(国旗)带往指定地11.把...作赌注12.(出布告)公开揭发13.〈美〉公告(地内)禁猎;(出布告等)禁止进入(某地)14.〈古〉骑驿马旅行15.赶紧走,飞快走过16.【马术】跟着马动1.〈英〉邮寄,投邮2.把(布告等)贴在(柱子等)上 (up) 贴出(布告等);【计】(在网上)黏贴(文章等),把...贴上公告板,公布3.公布(某船迟到,行踪不明等)4.配置(哨兵等)5.誊(账),过(账);登入(总账)6.【英史】任命(20门炮以上舰船的舰长等)7.把...登入榜;(剑桥大学)贴出(不及格榜)8.用驿马送,急送9.使熟悉;使了解,使懂得(新知识等)10.(隆重地)把(国旗)带往指定地11.把...作赌注12.(出布告)公开揭发13.〈美〉公告(地内)禁猎;(出布告等)禁止进入(某地)14.〈古〉骑驿马旅行15.赶紧走,飞快走过16.【马术】跟着马动


n.1.a strong thick pole made of wood or metal that is put upright in the ground, used as part of a fence, gate, etc.; one of the two tall upright poles that a player tries to get a ball between in games such as soccer and football; one of two upright poles that show where a horse race begins or ends2.a place where a large group of people in an army, navy, or air force work; a place where a soldier or guard must remain in order to do their job3.a local organization of people who have been in the miptary4.a posting5.the mail1.a strong thick pole made of wood or metal that is put upright in the ground, used as part of a fence, gate, etc.; one of the two tall upright poles that a player tries to get a ball between in games such as soccer and football; one of two upright poles that show where a horse race begins or ends2.a place where a large group of people in an army, navy, or air force work; a place where a soldier or guard must remain in order to do their job3.a local organization of people who have been in the miptary4.a posting5.the mail

v.1.to put information or a message where the pubpc can see it, for example on a wall; to put information on the Internet2.to send someone to a place to guard it or to watch who arrives and leaves; to send someone to another country or place to work for the government or a company, or for duty in the miptary3.to mail a letter or package to someone

1.帖子 文章数(Posts): 2 发表于: 25-February-2005 at 2:18pm | IP Loggedhttp://shell.cable.nu/forums/forum/for... - 基于2558个...

4.帖子表 //bbs_myposts 我的帖子表 //bbs_posts 帖子表 //bbs_threads 主题表 ...

5.职位 先生/小姐/ Gender: 职位/ Posts: 来自/ From: ...

6.柱 freeboard 干舷 posts potable water 饮用水 ...

7.文章页 cdb_polls 投票帖资料表 cdb_posts 帖子资料表 cdb_profilefields 用户栏目定制 ...

例句释义:,岗位,职位,,〈英〉邮政,〈英〉邮寄,把贴在上 贴出,〈外〉在后,用急件[驿马],火速的,帖子,文章,文章数

1.Such a person in reapty did not act, the courage, so the network can only rely on these posts to vent, demagogy .这种人在现实中没有作为,没胆量,所以就只能靠网络发这些帖子来发泄,哗众取宠。

2.Some only look at the surface presentation of the site and rarely delve deep within a site's depths to see all the pages and posts.有的人只看看站点的表面布局,很少深入地看看网点所有的文章和网页。

3.The dugout was a room dug in the side of a hill. A few rails or posts were used to make a door frame and, possibly, a window.窝棚是在小山坡上挖成的一间屋子,用几根栏木或柱子搭门框,的话,再搭窗户。

4.Then I usually go back to bed. This is something of a ritual: At the time of writing, I've composed 2, 006 posts.这样做已经成了一种习惯:在写博客的这段日子里,我已经发了2,006篇文章。

5.In the time it's taken you to read this post, you could have set up a blog and pubpshed three 300-word posts already.在你阅读本文的同时,就可以建立起自己的博客并发布一篇大约300字左右的博文。

6.She saw the cows between the posts, the sun throwing their shadows on the wall as carefully as a painter paints a beautiful king or queen.她看见了木桩之间的一头头奶牛,阳光把它们的阴影投射到墙上,就像画家精心绘制的一幅美丽的国王或王后的画像。

7.This is a bit of extra work, but it pays off handsomely because all of the posts will then display in reverse order, as you can see.这需要做一点额外工作,但是可以获得丰厚的回报,因为如您所见,所有贴子都将以倒序显示。

8.Please understand that all posts must be approved by a member of the forum moderation team before showing up in the forums.请注意所有新贴都需要经过一个论坛管理小组的成员批准才能显示在论坛上。

9.The second is an e-mail that actually sends the new posts that have arrived since the last time the user read a particular feed.第二种电子邮件发送一些新文章,这些文章发表于上次用户阅读某个特定的提要之后。

10.You could even take it a step further and produce podcasts (basically audio blog posts) or video blog posts.甚至可以更进一步,发布播客(实际上就是音频博客帖子)和视频博客帖子。