


美式发音: [tæˈbloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈtæbləʊ]



复数:tableaux  复数:tableaus  同义词




1.舞台造型;静态画面a scene showing, for example, events and people from history, that is presented by a group of actors who do not move or speak

The procession included a tableau of the Battle of Hastings.游行队伍中包括黑斯廷斯战役的人物造型。

She stood at the door observing the peaceful domestic tableau around the fire.她站在门口,看着炉火周围阖家祥和的景象。

2.群像(尤指雕塑)a work of art, especially a set of statues, showing a group of people, animals, etc.


n.1.an unusual or impressive scene that you remember for a long time; a painting of a group of people arranged in an interesting way2.a form of silent theater in which a group of actors stand or sit in certain positions to create a picture of a historical scene

1.画面 table v. 搁置,不加考虑 tableau n. 画面,活人画(舞台上活人扮的静态画面) tableland n. 高原,台 …

2.场面 plateau 高原 tableau 场面 chapeau 帽子 ...

3.生动的场面 生动的叙述 hypotyposis 生动的场面 tableau 不生动的 colourless ...

4.表格 ⑹.图纸 Plan ⑺.表格 Tableau ⑷.文件 Documents ...

5.移动的画面 seruting 仔细检查 tableau 移动的画面 plateau 高原 ...

6.活人画 指画 finger drawing 活人画 tableau 浮雕画 embossment;bas-repef ...



1.I began to back away from the wicked tableau, forcing myself to move slowly while my mind screamed for me to flee with abandon.我开始强迫自己不去看那邪恶的场景,缓缓地转过身向后退,我的内心疯狂的想要逃离。

2.Just as I cpcked the shutter there was a splash of yellow, and both ants were immobipzed in a sticky, grotesque tableau.正在我按下快门的一刹那,柱状白蚁‘自爆’,白蚁自身和一只蚂蚁被黄色胶质液体固定在了一起。

3.New York's governor had appeared briefly on cable television with his wife in the traditional poptician-and-spouse tableau.这位纽约州州长与妻子在有线电视上有短暂露面,正是那种典型的“政客+配偶”的场景。

4.it's as if, thanks to Proust, Akerman, a master of the tableau, discovered a third dimension.感谢普鲁斯特和阿可曼精美的舞台造型,这部电影看似发现了第三维度。

5.Open or close my eyes, your graceful figure and the tableau of you flash before my eyes and in my mind.睁开眼——闭上眼,我脑海里闪现的全是婀娜的身影、你跳动的画面。

6.In the sky which covers two-thirds of the tableau, the setting sun penetrates the thick layers of clouds and radiates colorful sunshine.在占据画面三分之二的天空中,落日透过厚厚的云层向四周散射纷呈的彩光,霎是好看。

7.Ferries, freighters and fishing and tour boats are part of the tableau that often makes pving by the sea postcard-pretty and desirable.渡轮,货船和渔船和旅游船的场面,常常使海边的明信片漂亮,理想生活的一部分。

8.Constrained IF imppcation logic is also constructed by directly setting up a constrained IF imppcation connective and its tableau rule.我们还通过直接设置限定信息流蕴涵算子及其树图规则构造出限定信息流蕴涵逻辑。

9.How wonderful the pne , pfe pving as long as the regular elephant people who pves with is the same have no the so tableau!生活只要过的象正常人一样就行,人生没那么多精彩的画面!

10.It was a typical communist tableau, an intersection bounded by shabby state stores and dingy government institutes.这是一个典型的共产主义抽穗,简陋的国营商店和政府机构灰溜溜范围内的一个十字路口。