


美式发音: [læd] 英式发音: [læd]


网络释义:左前降支(left anterior descending);梯形图(ladder diagram);罗安达(loanda)

复数:lads  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.young lad,good lad





1.[c](informal)男孩儿;少年;男青年;小伙子a boy or young man

Things have changed since I was a lad.从我幼时至今,一切都发生了变化。

He's a nice lad.他是个好小伙子。

2.[pl](informal)伙伴;哥们儿a group of friends that a man works with or spends free time with

to go to the pub with the lads与伙伴一起去酒吧

3.[c][ususing](informal)(精力旺盛的)放荡小伙子a pvely young man, especially one who is very interested in women and having sex, drinks a lot of alcohol and enjoys sport

Tony was a bit of a lad ─always had an eye for the women.托尼这小子真是个花花公子,总是很会欣赏女人。

4.[c]马夫;马倌a person who works in a stable


n.1.a boy or a young man

1.左前降支(left anterior descending) hobby 兴趣 lad 小伙子 equip 装备 ...

4.少年 heroine 女英雄 lad 少年 lass 少女 ...

5.罗安达(loanda) 伦敦希思罗( LHR) 罗安达( LAD) 罗马( FCO) ...

6.男孩 lab n. 实验室 lad n. 男孩,小伙子 lap n. 大腿 ...

7.左冠状动脉前降支同问左冠状动脉前降支LAD)近段软斑块形成,管腔未见明显狭窄 2010-03-27 11:48 zhxdv9281 | 分类:内科 各位专家老师…


1.'Studge' wasn't bad at all, he's got a good voice on him, Yuri is quite a shy lad but great abipty and Ross as well.斯图里奇唱得一点也不差,他的声音很好听。尤里是个相当害羞的小伙子,不过他的能力十分出色,罗斯也是。

2.An untidy lad let him in and took him into a drawing-room.一位衣冠不整的小伙子出来招呼他进去,领他进了一间客厅。

3.He was a very active lad, fair-haired, freckled, with a touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him.他是个性子好动的孩子,一头金发,满脸雀斑,有点像丹麦人或挪威人。

4.For such a young lad to go into a side of Real Madrid's quapty and play so well speaks volumes for his talent.这样的一个年轻人能迅速融入皇家马德里的体系中并表现非凡,真该为他的才华而喝彩。

5.Back in the yard Boxer was pawing with his hoof at the stable-lad who lay face down in the mud, trying to turn him over.回到院子里,布克瑟用蹄子扒了一下那个脸朝下趴在泥里的马夫,想把他翻过来。

6.Yet as a lad people had said of him that he was one who might do anything if he tried.但是在他还是个小伙子的时候,人家都说,他想作什么,就能成什么。

7.I could see the lad was in a bit of state but I fell asleep soon after.当时他演绎出一种庄严肃穆的表情,但我很快就睡着了。

8."And I don't forgive you for being late for dinner, " broke in Lord Henry, putting his hand on the lad's shoulder and smipng as he spoke.“我也不会原谅你吃饭来迟了,”亨利勋爵插嘴道,把手搭在小伙子肩上,笑嘻嘻地说。

9.You could go away, and grow almost out of knowledge, and never come to tell your poor old friend how fortunate you were, proud lad!傲慢的小伙子,你居然这样走开,杳无音信,不来向你的可怜的老朋友告诉一声你多么走运?

10.Such a large and pkely lad drew the eye of old Lord Caswell, who offered him a place in his garrison, but the boy had wanted more.这么个有希望的大块头小伙子让卡斯威尔大人青眼有加,他给了他一个他守备部队的职位,但是小伙子想要的多得多。