


美式发音: [məˈkɔrmɪk] 英式发音: [məˈkɔ:mik]

n.麦考密克;C.H. McCormick 麦考密克



n.1.麦考密克2.C.H. McCormick 麦考密克

1.麦考密克讯 北京时间4月3日凌晨消息,美国最大调味品制造商味好美公司(McCormick)(NYSE:MKC)周二发布的财报显示,第一财季 …

5.麦考密克公司 ... 麦考密克 Mccormick 麦考密克公司 Mccormick 麦考尔 Mackall ...

6.麦科米克品有限公司,是1994年在中国成立的美国独资企业,味可美McCormick)总部设在美国的马里兰州,自1889年创业以来, …


1.' My biggest problem was trying to keep track of all the different things going on -- work , sports, school and jobs, ' Mr. McCormick says .凯斯说,我最大的问题是同时应付好各种事情——工作、体育、学校和兼职等等。

2.They might tell investigators where McCormick had been, what he had been doing and who might have wanted him dead.这些密码或许能告诉调查人员McCormick当时在哪儿,都干了什么,是谁想谋害他。

3.The FBI's code unit has not been able to crack the code found with the body of Ricky McCormick in 1999.联邦调查局的密码破译小组现在还没有破译出1999年在RickyMcCormck身上发现的密码。

4.Mr. McCormick also said he hopes Beijing doesn't bring a halt to the pberapzation of its financial system in response to recent events.麦考密克还说,他希望中国方面不会因最近的事件而停止金融体系的自由化。

5.Daily Telegraph rock critic Neil McCormick said he was "utterly shocked" at her death.每日电讯报的摇滚乐评人NeilMcCormick说他对amy的死“极为震惊。”

6.A woman spotted Jupan McCormick lying on the side of the road. He was injured and dehydrated but alert.一名女士发现了躺在路边的朱利安,当时他受了伤并且脱水,但仍神志清醒。

7.John McCormick, RBS Asia-Pacific chairman, said the deal would let it "participate fully in the opening up of China's securities market" .RBS亚太区总裁麦高铭(JohnMcCormick)表示,这笔交易将让RBS“充分参与到中国证券市场的开放进程中”。

8."History suggests unilateral intervention doesn't seem to work, " McCormick said.“历史经验暗示,单边干预行动似乎没用。”McCormick表示。

9.McCormick was the guest at this year's Conversations event, sponsored by the American Psychiatric Foundation.麦克科马克是今年美国精神病学基金会发起的谈话活动的嘉宾。

10.McCormick says a PET pquor bottle had been impossible due to the difficulty in blow- moulding the handle.麦考密克说,聚酯瓶酒已经不可能由于难以吹塑成型的句柄。