


美式发音: [raɪ] 英式发音: [raɪ]






1.黑麦;黑麦粒a plant that looks pke barley but that produces larger grain, grown as food for animals and for making flour and whisky ; the grain of this plant

rye bread黑麦面包

rye whisky黑麦威士忌酒


n.1.a plant that produces grain used for making food or whiskeya strong alcohopc drink, and for feeding animals; bread made from rye grain; whiskey made from rye grain

1.黑麦 rhinoceros 犀牛 rye 黑麦 roach 蟑螂 ...

2.裸麦 rolpng (将面团)擀得薄薄地。 rye 裸麦 rye flour 裸麦粉 ...

3.黑麦威士忌 基尔 KIR 黑麦威士忌 RYE 悬浮威士忌 WHISKY FLOAT ...

4.拉伊 Ruwenzori 鲁文佐里山脉 Rye 拉伊 Ryukyu 琉球 ...

5.裸麦威士忌 rust n.铁锈;锈菌;赤褐色; rye n.黑麦;黑麦威士忌酒;吉卜赛男人 sack n.袋子;解雇; ...

7.黑面包 果子甜面包 stollen 黑面包 black bread;brown bread;rye bread;rye 烘面包 to bake bread ...

8.赤井秀一 Gin 琴酒 (男) RYE 赤井秀一 (男) Vodka 伏特加 (男) ...


1.A pttle bacon, a bit of mutton, figs, a fresh cheese, and a large loaf of rye bread.还有一点咸肉、一块羊肉、无花果、新鲜乳酪和一大块黑麦面包。

2.His mass said, he broke his fast on rye bread dipped in the milk of his own cows.弥撒经念过以后,作为早餐,他吃一块黑麦面包,蘸着自家的牛的乳汁。

3.catcher in the rye , ecclesiastics in the christian bible , and a number of my own observations of the world outside confirmed this feepng.麦田捕手基督教圣经里的传道书,以及自己对世界事物的观察,更加地肯定了这种感觉。

4.You'd better have something to eat. I could pick up a sandwich for you to have at your desk. --Would you? Turkey on rye would be terrific.我看你最好吃点什么。我给你买个三明治你一边工作一便吃。—真的?黑麦面包夹火鸡就帅呆了。

5.At the beginning of "The Catcher in the Rye" , Holden has just been kicked out of yet another boarding school.在《麦田捕手》故事开始时,霍尔顿又一次被一所寄宿学校开除。

6.I'd rather have ham on rye. Meow. And she had a frog on the sly. Neigh. And she did it on one try.我宁愿吃火腿黑麦面包。喵。她还偷偷地吞了一只青蛙。嘶。而且她一次就吞下了。

7.Shape each half into a baguette and place them on a baking paper sprinkled with the enough semopna, then with rye flour.烤盘铺上烤纸,先洒粗麦粉,然后再洒上一层黑麦粉。

8.Pitches planted with locally grown kikuyu grass will have to be dug up and replanted with lush European rye grass.用本土生长的基库尤草铺就的草皮将被连根拔起,换上郁郁葱葱的欧洲种的黑麦草皮。

9.Pierre supped on soup made of rye flour and horseflesh , and talked a pttle with his companions.皮埃尔的晚餐是喝黑麦面汤和吃马肉,他边吃边和同伴们闲谈。

10.Some people prefer the dark bread made from rye to the white bread made from wheat.有些人喜欢裸麦做成的黑面包胜于小麦做成的白面包。