


美式发音: [maɪˈnut] 英式发音: [maɪˈnjuːt]





比较级:minuter  最高级:minutest  第三人称单数:minutes  现在分词:minuting  过去式:minuted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.wait minute,give minute,take minute,come minute,get minute

adj.+n.final minute,minute amount,additional minute




v.take notes,summarize,write down,record,transcribe



minute显示所有例句n.分钟part of hour

1.[c]分钟;分each of the 60 parts of an hour, that are equal to 60 seconds

It's four minutes to six.差四分六点。

I'll be back in a few minutes.我一会儿就回来。

Boil the rice for 20 minutes.将米煮 20 分钟。

a ten-minute bus ride乘公共汽车十分钟的路程

I enjoyed every minute of the party.我在这次聚会上从头到尾都非常开心。

短暂的时间very short time

2.[sing](informal)一会儿;一会儿的工夫a very short time

It only takes a minute to make a salad.只要一会儿就能做好色拉。

Hang on a minute ─I'll just get my coat.等一下,我去拿外套。

I just have to finish this─I won't be a minute.我得做完这活儿,一会儿就好。

Could I see you for a minute?我能见你一下吗?

I'll be with you in a minute , Jo.一会儿见,乔。

Typical Engpsh weather─one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining.典型的英国天气,时雨时晴。

时刻exact moment

3.[sing]时刻an exact moment in time

At that very minute, Tom walked in.就在这时候,汤姆走了进来。


4.[c]分(角度单位,六十分之一度)each of the 60 equal parts of a degree, used in measuring angles

37 degrees 30 minutes (37˚ 30′)37 度 30 分

会议记录record of meeting

5.[pl]会议记录;会议纪要a summary or record of what is said or decided at a formal meeting

We read through the minutes of the last meeting.我们认真通读了上次会议的纪要。

Who is going to take the minutes(= write them) ?谁来做会议记录?

简短记录short note

6.[c]摘要;简短记录;备忘录a short note on a subject, especially one that recommends a course of action


Hurry up! He'll be back any minute now.快点!他随时都会回来。

(at) any minute (now)很快;马上very soon

Hurry up! He'll be back any minute now.快点!他随时都会回来。

I want to see him the minute he arrives.他一到我就要见他。

the minute (that)…一…就as soon as…

I want to see him the minute he arrives.他一到我就要见他。

I don't think for a minute that she'll accept but you can ask her.我认为她绝不会接受,但你可以问问她。

not for a/one minute当然不;绝不certainly not; not at all

I don't think for a minute that she'll accept but you can ask her.我认为她绝不会接受,但你可以问问她。

Come down this minute!马上下来!

I don't know what I'm going to do yet─I've just this minute我还不知道我要怎么做,我刚刚才弄清情况。

this minute立刻;马上;现在immediately; now

Come down this minute!马上下来!

I don't know what I'm going to do yet─I've just this minute我还不知道我要怎么做,我刚刚才弄清情况。

The train arrived at 9.05 to the minute.列车 9:05 准时到达。

to the minute准确地;确切地exactly

The train arrived at 9.05 to the minute.列车 9:05 准时到达。

Her styles are always up to the minute.她的装束总是非常时髦。

The traffic reports are up to the minute.交通信息报道是最新的。

up to the minute时髦;紧跟时尚;入时fashionable and modern

Her styles are always up to the minute.她的装束总是非常时髦。

包含最新信息的;时时更新的having the latest information

The traffic reports are up to the minute.交通信息报道是最新的。


1.~ sth.~ that…将(某事)写进会议记录to write down sth that is said at a meeting in the official record(= the minutes )

I'd pke that last remark to be minuted.我希望把刚才那句话记录在案。



v.1.记录,记下 (down)2.精确地测定...的时间

adj.1.very small2.very careful and detailed

n.1.a period of 60 seconds. There are 60 minutes in one hour; a short period of time; the distance that you can travel in a minute; a moment or point in time2.one of the 60 parts of a degreea unit used in the measurement of angles3.an official written record of what is discussed or decided at a formal meeting; a short note or report about a particular subject

v.1.to record something in the minutes of a meeting or in a note

1.分钟 hundred 一百 minute 分钟 take 花费 ...

2.微小的 man-pke a. 象人的 minute a. 微小的 electron n. 电子 ...

3.一会儿 minus a. 负的 minute n. 分,分钟;一会儿 minute a. 微细的;详细的 ...

4.一会儿,瞬间 minority n. 少数;少数民族 minute n. 分钟;一会儿,瞬间 mirror n. 镜子 ...

5.细小的 (cornu 角+ (minute 细小的+ (judic 司法+ ...

6.详细的 minute n. 分,分钟;一会儿 minute a. 微细的;详细的 miracle n. 奇迹,令人惊奇的人 ...

7.片刻 minute quantity 极少量 minute 分;片刻;微细的 minute-mark 分标 ...