


美式发音: [ˈtæksi] 英式发音: ['tæksɪ]




复数:taxis  第三人称单数:taxies  现在分词:taxiing  过去式:taxied  搭配同义词

v.+n.take taxi,drive taxi

n.black cab,cab,hack,hackney carriage,minicab



1.出租汽车;计程车;的士a car with a driver that you pay to take you somewhere. Taxis usually have meters which show how much money you have to pay.

a taxi driver/ride出租汽车司机;乘出租车出行

We'd better take a taxi .我们最好乘出租车。

I came home by taxi .我是坐出租车回家的。

to order/hail/call a taxi要╱招呼╱叫出租车

2.(非洲某些地方走固定路线、乘客可随时上下的)小公共汽车,小巴士in some places in Africa, a small bus with a driver that you pay to take you somewhere. Taxis usually have fixed routes and stop wherever passengers need to get on or off.


1.[i](起飞前或降落后在地面上)滑行to move slowly along the ground before taking off or after landing



n.1.a car whose driver is paid to take you to a particular place, especially a fairly short distance

v.1.if a plane taxies, it moves on its wheels on the ground2.to transport somebody or something in a taxi, or be transported in a taxi

1.出租车 take 乘 taxi 出租车 airplane 飞机 ...

2.的士 take 乘;坐;搭 taxi 出租车;的士;计程车 pass 通过 ...

4.出租汽车 arrive 到达 taxi 出租汽车 airport 私人飞机 ...

5.终极杀阵 taxes payable 应付税金 taxi 出租汽车;滑行 taxichnic dolomite 具石灰岩原始结构的白云岩 ...


1.'No! Listen to me, ' Mr Santini said. 'I'm going to call a taxi for you right now. Go home and stay in bed.“不要说了,听我的,”圣提尼先生说,“我现在马上帮你叫一辆出租车,回家,躺到床上去。”

2.How much is the taxi fare to go to Cambridge and return here?到剑桥来回的出租车费要多少钱呢?

3.Then they left the restaurant, brushed past two unwitting popcemen on its stairway, and went looking for a taxi back to the fight.然后,他们离开了餐馆,与两个毫不知情的警察擦肩而过,准备叫辆出租车,重返战斗。

4.How much is the starting rate of your taxi?现在计价器起跳多少钱?

5.If I go belly-up, I will no longer be able to tip my doorman when he gets me a taxi.若是我垮了,送我上出租车的门童就再也得不到我的小费了。

6.At hotels, porters ask for a few hundred rupiah for each bag. While most taxi drivers will automatically round up to the next 500 rupiah.在旅馆,要让搬运工搬一件行李就得给几百卢比。大多数出租车司机会自动把收费加到最近的500卢比的整数。

7.In the capital, an explosion near a taxi station in a central part of the city killed one woman and wounded at least one other person.首都巴格达中心一个出租汽车站附近发生一起爆炸事件,一名妇女被炸死,至少一人受伤。

8.He took a taxi to his hotel, where he was greeted by his hospitableIndian host.当他打的去宾馆时,好客的印度主人在那里迎接他。

9.And how much does it cost by taxi?乘的士的话多少钱?

10.But before he had time to consider the matter the taxi stopped and the Browns began to cpmb out.但是,他没有时间来考虑这件事情,因为出租车已经停下了,而且布朗已经开始下车了。