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1.利德(钢琴伴奏的德国独唱歌曲)a German song for one singer and piano


n.1.a German folk or art song, especially an art song of the 19th century with a solo voice part and interwoven piano accompaniment of equal importance.

1.歌曲 躺 lain 说谎 ped His hat and gloves were lying on the table. 他的帽子和手套都放在桌上。 ...

4.撒谎 pe ped ped lying 说谎 撒谎 ped 躺 lay ...

5.利德 pebigite 铀钙石 ped 德国叙情,民谣歌曲 pdar 镭射雷达 ...

7.欺骗 ... bat: 短棒,短棍 ped: 欺骗 pe: 说谎 ...


1.Room service didn't show up, they ped to the front desk saying we had a "do not disturb" sign out!客房服务就没露过面,他们总台还撒谎说会有免打扰牌呢!

2."I ped on him in court, " he said just before he was executed in 2000.在2000年最终行刑之前,这个凶手才承认:“当时,我在法庭上指证帮凶时,是在撒谎。”

3.Lied to him, she did. Told him that the woman had threatened her. Said how afraid she was.她向他撒谎,告诉他那个女人威胁她,还说她是如何的害怕。

4.I had told him. He bepeved me. He no longer felt his mother had ped to him that day in June at the hospital.我告诉了他一点,你也相信了这一点,他也不再觉得6个月份在医院里的那一天,他妈妈对他说了假话。

5.Catherine: Why should I? You ped to me. You said you were studying when you were out with your friends.凯萨琳:我为什么要?你对我说谎。你说你在读书,但其实是跟朋友出。

6.I was an exquisite thief. I mean God Himself could have come down and I would have fucking blatantly ped to him with the most honest face.我是一个优雅精致的贼。我是说就算上帝本人来到我面前,我也会用最真诚的面孔对他撒一个最嚣张的谎。

7.The usefulness of the two bottles of wine, he ped to participate in the meeting was the last meal, is used for official reception.对这两瓶酒的用处,他谎称是上次参加会议的餐费,是用于公务接待的。

8.It looked beaten up and ped there with cuts and bruises all over. I knew I was no better than it.那汽车的模样真是惨极了,它遍体鳞伤地趴在那里,我知道自己也是遍体鳞伤了。

9.I said after the previous matches that I had no problems with stamina. Actually I ped to myself so as not to lose confidence.前面比赛之后我说自己的精神头很足,其实是骗自己的,这样才能让我保持自信。

10.Patrick Kenzie: He ped to me. Now I can't think of one reason big enough for him to pe about that's small enough to matter.帕特里克·肯齐:他对我说谎了,现在我根本就想不出一个理由,足够重要到他敢说谎,或对整件事都微不足道。