



美式发音: [ɪˈlæps] 英式发音: [ɪ'læps]




第三人称单数:elapses  现在分词:elapsing  过去式:elapsed  同义词

v.pass,pass by,intervene,spp away,go by




v.1.if time elapses, it passes

1.经过 efficiently ad. 有效地 elapsed vi. 经过 elppsis n. 省略符号,省略(法) ...

2.消逝 ) descend 下降,下来 ) elapsed 时间过去,消逝,流逝 ) overlapped 重叠 ...

3.占用时间 ) descend 下降,下来 ) elapsed 时间过去,消逝,流逝 ) overlapped 重叠 ...

5.经过时间 ... 简单时间 simple time 经过时间 Elapsed 考虑时间 think time ...

6.过去的 ... elaborate 精巧的; 详尽的 elapsed 过去的; 经过的 epminate 排除; 消除 ...

7.经过秒 Count Parse,Execute,Fetch 发生的次数 Elapsed 经过秒 AUTOTRACE 的特点: ...


1.One can not say how much time elapsed between the death of the animal and when the writer put pen to page.那些动物们的死和作者执笔之间隔了多久谁都没法说清。

2.A quarter of an hour had not elapsed when this is what was taking place at twenty different spots in Paris at once.不到一刻钟,在巴黎二十个不同的地方就几乎同时发生了这些事

3.and one showing how much of the month has elapsed.和一个展示如何在一个月多已经过去。

4.Half a minute had not elapsed when he was resting on his knees on the wall.不到半分钟,他已经跪在墙头上了。

5.In another sense, the average speed of a body means the total length of path covered, divided by the elapsed time.另一种含义是物体的平均速率,即物体运动所经过的全部路程除以所经过的时间。

6.For example, counters of the type ElapsedTime compare the time stamp on two different samples and determine how much time has elapsed.例如,ElapsedTime类型的计数器通过比较两个不同样本上的时间戳,来确定已经过了多长时间。

7.Three-quarters of an hour had not elapsed since they had risen in bed in the dark, nail in hand, and their project in their heads.从他们在黑暗中,手里捏着一根钉子,脑子里有着一个计划,爬起来立在床上算起,还不到三刻钟。

8.The number of users that executed the test, time elapsed for the total test and the final result of the test.执行测试用户的号码,测试的总耗时,与测试的最终结果。

9.The system shall be able to display the elapsed time for the car to make one circuit around the track.系统应能显示车沿跑道绕行一圈花费的时间。

10.You get a very good overview of how much processing and elapsed time a certain component takes during the request.您将获得有关在请求过程中某个组件占用了多少处理和运行时间的非常好的概述。