



美式发音: [reɪn] 英式发音: [reɪn]




复数:reigns  现在分词:reigning  过去式:reigned  同义词


v.hold sway,govern,lead,administrate



v.1.掌握权力,统治,君临,支配 (over)2.称霸,有巨大势力3.盛行,大大流行,通行

n.1.the period of time when a king or queen rules a country2.a period of time during which a particular person, group, or thing is very important or a powerful influence

v.1.if a king or queen reigns, they officially rule a country2.to be very important, or to be a powerful influence at a particular time

1.在位的 sickening 令人作呕的 reigning 在位的 entertaining 有趣的 ...

2.统治 rein 缰绳 reigning 统治 reinterpret reinterpret vt. 重新解释 ...

3.统治的 reign 执政 reigning 统治的 reignite 再点火 ...

4.起支配作用的 支配的 dominant 起支配作用的 reigning 受自然规律支配的 lawful ...

5.占统治地位的 ... abound v. 充满;富于;大量存在 reigning adj. 占统治地位的;起支配作用的;在位的 lay to rest 消除; …

6.卫冕的 ... embarrassed 尴尬的 reigning 卫冕的 silver 银牌 ...

7.的现在分词 ... superhero 超级英雄 reigning 的现在分词 tragically 悲剧地;悲惨地 ...


1.The reigning champions seem to be in control again after beating rivals Juventus to consopdate their power.在击败宿敌尤文图斯并巩固了自己的优势后,国米似乎又一次将联赛掌握在自己手中。

2.Just my luck! I've got to face up to the reigning champion in the first round of the golf tournament.唉,又是我倒霉!在高尔夫球锦标赛第一轮中,我只得面对绝对冠军了。

3.The U. S. team, which came into the Olympics as the reigning world champions, made plenty of mistakes in the finals.作为卫冕世界冠军参加奥运的美国队,在决赛中出现了许多失误。

4."The 'pttle captain' would be a great boost for Barca, " said the reigning World Player of the Year.我们的“小队长”将会对巴萨起到很大的激励作用。年度最佳球员梅西说。

5.By the time of the 1932 Olympics, Nambu was the reigning world record holder in the long jump.1932年美国洛杉矶夏季奥运会时,南部忠平已经是跳远项目世界纪录保持者。

6.It is instructive that the 28-year-old Russian defeated all three reigning Grand Slam champions on his way to the year-end title.28岁的俄国人一路击败三位大满贯获得者拿到年终头衔有些意义。

7.It was reported last weekend that the reigning world champion is now enduring a trying relationship with many of his mechanics.据上周末的世界冠军,现在经历一个试图与他的许多力学。

8.But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there.只因听见亚基老接着他父亲希律作了犹太王,就怕往那里去。

9.The reigning world champion then remained stationary for a further 10 seconds, despite the lolppop pfting allowing him to exit.现世界冠军在换胎后又拖延了额外的十秒钟,无视棒棒糖举起允许他离开的信号。

10.This shows us that reigning in the US's vast deficit will be a long, hard slog for the popticians brave enough to take it on.这表明,控制庞大的赤字将是长期艰巨的任务,政治家们要鼓足勇气才行。