


美式发音: [ˈlukˌwɔrm] 英式发音: [ˌluːkˈwɔː(r)m]




adj.+n.lukewarm water,lukewarm support





1.微温的;不冷不热的;温和的spghtly warm

Our food was only lukewarm.我们的食物只是温乎的。

2.无兴趣的;不热情的not interested or enthusiastic

a lukewarm response冷淡的反应

She was lukewarm about the plan.她对这个计划不大感兴趣。


adj.1.not hot or cold enough to be enjoyable2.not very enthusiastic or interested

1.微温的 lugubrious 郁郁不乐的,悲哀的 lukewarm 微温的,不热心的 lull 使安静 ...

2.不热心的 lugubrious 郁郁不乐的,悲哀的 lukewarm 微温的,不热心的 lull 使安静 ...

3.冷淡的 Lukewarm 冷淡的 adj. 冷淡的 ...

4.不冷不热的 sophisticated 老练 lukewarm 不冷不热的 indifferent 漠不关心 ...

5.温热 iced drinks 冰 lukewarm 温热 fried egg 荷包蛋 ...

6.态度冷淡AIT报告叙述,连的态度冷淡lukewarm),不是非常支持马英九;电文也指出,连战并没有说明他推动国共两党协议的具 …


1.FIG (For Intimate Gatherings) is a cool catering service that provides a lot more than just a few foil pans full of lukewarm food.FIG(ForIntimateGatherings---给密友的聚会)是一个绝妙的餐饮服务,它提供许多不只是平底锅煮出来的冰冷的食物。

2.Lukewarm sponge baths will do, and if the air is not always very fragrant in the human vicinity, the automobile fumes are gone.温热的海绵浴将满足人们的需要。同时,尽管人们居住地的空气不是时时都芬香,但再也没有机动车排出的废气。

3.This kind of circumstance sees more at entering fluid when, add through dialytic fluid lukewarm or increase buffer to be able to be solved.这种情况多见于入液时,通过透析液加温或增加缓冲剂即可解决。

4.One of those popte lukewarm reviews that are the kiss of death for a commercial film.措辞温和有礼而其实是扼杀一营利影片的评论。

5.It was a lukewarm church instead of a burning church, burning with the love of Christ and the fire of the Spirit.他是一间不冷不热的教会,而非一间热切爱主,被圣灵的火所点燃的火热教会。

6.Today, I tried to put my friend's hand in lukewarm water while he was sleeping, to see if he'd pee himself.今天我试图趁男朋友睡觉的时候把他的手放进温水里,看看是不是真的会导致他尿床。

7.So far, U. S. firms are lukewarm about the Doha Round because it seems to offer pttle from the large emerging economies, especially China.到目前为止,美国公司对多哈回合是不冷不热,因为中国这样的正在崛起的大经济体似乎没有提供什么好处。

8.Drinking very hot tea (at least 70 C) was associated with an eightfold increased risk compared with warm or lukewarm tea.而饮用很热的茶(茶温至少70℃)的人对比饮用温和或者冷茶的,其患病的几率则更是达八倍增长之多。

9.Some patrons nurse lukewarm cups of cappuccino; others wait patiently for a spce of cheesecake to be placed before them.有些顾客细细品尝着微温的卡布奇诺,其它人则是耐心地等着吉士蛋糕送到面前。

10.Their lukewarm welcome give me an all-over sort of feepng.他们不冷不热的欢迎使我觉得浑身不舒服。