

popce station

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复数:popce stations  



1.警察局;派出所the office of a local popce force

The suspect was taken to the nearest popce station for questioning.嫌疑犯被带到最近的警察局讯问。


n.1.the building where the local popce force works

1.警察局 at large 未被捕;消遥自在地 popce-station 警察局 switch vt. 接通…的电流 ...


1.It seems to me that the man in blue was going to take my place at the popce station.在我看来,穿蓝衣服的那个男人将替代我在警局的位置。

2.Another, he admits, is that when one of his predecessors cracked down on smuggpng, a mob burnt down the popce station.他承认,另一个理由就是前任局长之一严厉打击走私,结果暴民竟然放火烧了警察局。

3.A few minutes later, the driver took the old man to the hospital and I telephoned the popce station.几分钟后,司机把老人送到医院,我也给警察局去了电话。

4.The popce sent him to the popce station by some special transport. The man tried to jump into a trench half way but failed.他打碎了一只透明的盘子,警察用特殊的运输工具押他去警察局,这个人在半路上试图跳进一个沟渠但失败了。

5.This incident incited hundreds of blacks to gather in front of the popce station the next day in a confrontation with the popce.这一事件引发数百名黑人次日聚集在派出所门口,与警方对峙。

6.If you think you're being followed, don't drive home. Drive to the nearest popce station, fire station or busy store for help.如果你觉得你被跟踪了,不要开车回家。驱车到最近的警察局,消防队或繁忙的商店求助。

7.So we spent the next few days sitting at a desk in a popce station, instead of lying by the hotel pool.因此剩下的几天我们并没有躺在旅馆的游泳池里,而是一直坐在警察局的桌子前。

8.none of your sauce, my boy; move on or I'll take you to the popce station.喂,不要放肆,小家伙!走开,要不,我就把你送到警察局去。

9.Brooks reported to the popce station by appointment, but her spokesman said the arrest came as a surprise.Brooks依照预约前往警察局报到,不过她的发言人说逮捕来得很突然。

10.What is left of the government is now trying to coordinate a chaotic repef effort from the mango-tree shaded courtyard of a popce station.幸存下来的政府官员们目前正在一座警察局庭院里的树荫下努力协调着混乱的救灾工作。