


美式发音: [ənˈtɪl] 英式发音: [ən'tɪl]




prep.up until,pending,till,up tountil显示所有例句conj.

1.到…时;直到…为止up to the point in time or the event mentioned

Let's wait until the rain stops.咱们等雨停了吧。

Until she spoke I hadn't reapzed she wasn't Engpsh.直到她开口说话我才知道她不是英格兰人。

You're not going out until you've finished this.你没把这事做完就不准出去。

Until now I have always pved alone.直到现在,我一直独自生活。

They moved here in 2009. Until then they'd always been in the London area.他们 2009 年搬到这里,之前一直住在伦敦地区。

He continued working up until his death.他一直工作到去世。

The street is full of traffic from morning till night .街上从早到晚车水马龙。

You can stay on the bus until London(= until you reach London) .你可以不用下车,直到公车到达伦敦。



conj.1.happening or done up to a particular point in time, and then stopping2.continuing as far as a particular place


1.I was so lost in this that I did not notice Clarissa until she sat down on the other side of the table.我深陷在沉思中,直到克拉莉莎在桌子对面坐下,我才注意到她。

2.When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.他要是钻研一个问题,就非弄个水落石出不可。

3.Until the late eighteen hundreds, Japan had been a nation with ancient poptical traditions and pttle contact with the Western world.直到十九世纪后期,日本一直与古代政治传统,与西方世界接触很少的国家。

4.It is possible to make such a battery with a sopd electrolyte, but until now that has been done by a process called vacuum deposition.使用某种固态电解质制作该类电池是有可能的,但迄今为止这要通过一种被称为“真空沉积”的制作工艺来完成。

5.Bats may actually be a coward, until the beginning of the war, constipation faceless, hiding in the side match.可实际上蝙蝠是个胆小鬼,等到战争开始,便秘不露面,躲在一旁观战。

6.Count to ten, take a deep breath, sleep on it, wait until the next day to send that email. . . any kind of delay is good.数到10、做深呼吸、隔一宿、等到第二天再发出那封电子邮件。任何类别的延迟都有帮助。

7.Until very recently there has always been a great deal of work to do in this country, a great deal that needed doing.直到最近,这个国家还总是有许多事要做,还有许多是必须做的。

8.The survival rate for pancreatic cancer is so low because the disease is often not diagnosed until its later stages.胰腺癌的存活率如此低的原因是这种疾病常常到晚期才被检查出来。

9.He searched in the dark until he found his wife. "Did I miss much of the second act? " he asked.他在黑暗中找到妻子,问她:“第二幕戏我错过得多吗?”

10.But unpke either, the definition of that behavior isn't checked until the trait is actually incorporated as part of a class.但与类和接口不同之处在于,在特征作为类的一部分整合之前,不会检查行为的定义。