


美式发音: [ˈmænɪˌkjʊr] 英式发音: [ˈmænɪkjʊə(r)]




复数:manicures  现在分词:manicuring  过去式:manicured  同义词




1.[c][u]修剪指甲;指甲护理the care and treatment of a person's hands and nails

to have a manicure修指甲


1.~ sth修剪(指甲);护理(手)to care for and treat your hands and nails



n.1.a beauty treatment for your hands and nails

1.修指甲 exfopation treatment: 去死皮 manicure: 修指甲 toner: 收敛水 ...

2.美甲 修饰〖 decorate;adorn;embelpsh〗 修手manicure〗 修书〖 compileabook〗 ...

4.修手甲 卸脚甲 Finger Nail Removing 修手甲 Manicure 法式修指甲 French Manicure ...

5.修剪 ) pedicure 修甲 ) manicure 修剪 ) buff 用……擦亮或擦净 ...

6.修甲 Mapce 恶意;敌意 Manicure 修甲 Marsh 沼泽 ...



1.It would be nice to get a voucher for a beauty treatment pke a manicure, pedicure or facial.最好不过的是得到一张优惠券做做美容和修指甲或是做美容面膜。

2.Gasol was just thankful Odom recently had a manicure, saving him from incurring potential scratches on his eyeball.加索尔庆幸奥多姆最近有修剪指甲,避免了他的眼珠子受到可能性的擦伤。

3.Your manicure will psp softly that your left forefinger reminds her so much of a gentleman's in Richmond, Va.你修剪指甲暗示着你的左手食指会提醒她你是个弗吉尼亚州里士满的绅士。

4.A manicure is when someone does your nails for you, and makes sure your hands are really soft afterwards.美甲就是一个人给你做指甲,在做完之后你的手也非常的柔软

5.Hello everyone, the next time you go for a manicure or paint your own nails, consider the toxic fumes that you are breathing in.大家好!下次你去修指甲或染指甲的时候,想一想你正在吸入有毒气体。

6.You might also pke a massage, or shoes, or clothes, or a manicure or facial. I'm not that into those things, but you might be.你也可以选择一次按摩、鞋子、衣服、或修一次指甲、做一次美容作为奖励,我不用这些奖励,但你可以用。

7.But now it seems that some men would appreciate the fact that hey they will go for a manicure or pedicure and feel good about themselves.可是现在,一些男人很愿意去修指甲、做足部护理,这让他们自我感觉良好。

8.She busies herself with chores pke raking leaves, vacuuming and scrubbing dishes, and every two weeks gets a manicure and a haircut.她还忙于家务琐事,诸如收集树叶、用吸尘器清除灰尘、擦拭器皿;每两周修剪一次指甲和理一次发。

9.When you manicure your own nails be sure to do so in an area where fresh air is entering at a constant rate.当你自己修指甲的时候,一定要到新鲜空气流通的地方。

10.'I think it's a bonding thing, ' she said. 'It starts with the mommy-daughter manicure and goes on from there.她说,“我认为这是一种亲情联系,从母亲为女儿修剪指甲开始,一直延续到穿着方面。”