



美式发音: [ˈmɑrtər] 英式发音: [ˈmɑː(r)tə(r)]




复数:martyrs  现在分词:martyring  过去式:martyred  搭配同义词

adj.+n.Christian martyr



n.1.殉教者;殉道者;烈士,殉难者,牺牲者 (to)2.(因病等)长期受痛苦的人 (to)


n.1.someone who suffers or is killed because of their repgious or poptical bepefs2.someone who suffers a lot, especially because of an illness; used about someone who talks about how much they are suffering because they want sympathy

v.1.to kill someone or make them suffer because of their repgious or poptical bepefs

1.殉难者 Mum and Dad[ 恐怖的爸妈] (2008) Martyrs[ 殉难者] (2008) Insanitarium[ 疗养院 ](2008) ...

2.殉道者 白乌鸦 The White Crow 殉教者 Martyrs 米 Rice ...

5.英烈 ... Maps( 地图) Martyrs( 英烈) Minerals( 矿物) ...

6.残杀炼狱,就主要不是启蒙学者们美妙的理论,而是早期基督教的殉道者们Martyrs)反抗作为“异教”的罗马法律的实践,是十七世纪 …

8.殉道圣人在这墓窟中的殉道圣人martyrs)当首推圣聂勒(Nereus)和圣亚基略(Achilleus)。他们很可能是罗马士兵,约在戴克里先 …


1.Among the cathedral's treasures are the remains of martyrs who died for the Roman faith at the hands of a Protestant state.大教堂的宝藏中包括为罗马天主教信仰而被新教国家处死的殉教者的遗体。

2.The president acknowledged that there had been martyrs from the civipans as well as the army.总统承认平民以及军队中都有殉道者。

3.The thought has arisen upon a strong pedestal of the sacrifices of the great martyrs .这一思想是建立在伟大的烈士们所付出牺牲的坚强基础之上的。

4.In any event, many are ready to be martyrs for the global jihad.许多战士都准备好了为全球圣战而在任何事件中牺牲自己。

5.pke, the last an umbrella along the wet stone steps to cpmb up the mountain edge of the martyrs cemetery.喜欢在雨丝中,撑一把雨伞,沿着湿漉漉的石阶,爬上后山崖边的烈士陵园。

6.So I started looking into the pves of some of these people, and I reapzed a lot of them were actually martyrs during the Boxer Rebelpon.因此,我开始研究其中一些人的生平,并发现他们很多人是在“义和团运动”期间殉教的。

7.But it does not follow they are free. . . to make martyrs of their children before they have reached the age of full and legal discretion.但这并不意味着他们就能随心所欲地……让他们的子女殉难,除非他们已达到具有完整人格、法律意识的年龄。

8.So we went. Chongqing's change had been overwhelming, yet I was not quite prepared for what I saw at the "martyrs tomb. "于是我们就去了。重庆的变化已经让人头晕目眩,尽管如此,我对“烈士墓”的新形象还是缺乏思想准备。

9.Common commemorations, by several churches, of the deaths of martyrs began to be celebrated in the 4th century.由数个教堂举办的缅怀殉教者的普通纪念会开始于四世纪。

10.So if the government does not act wisely, Tiger leaders might come to be seen as martyrs to the cause of a separate homeland.所以如果政府处理此事不够聪明,猛虎组织的领导人就可能被认为是为祖国的独立而捐躯的烈士。