


美式发音: [ˈpeti] 英式发音: ['peti]




比较级:pettier  最高级:pettiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.petty cash,petty crime,petty thief,petty criminal





1.[ubn]小的;琐碎的;次要的small and unimportant

petty squabbles小口角

petty crime/theft(= that is not very serious)轻微罪行;小偷小摸

a petty criminal/thief轻罪犯;小窃贼

a petty bureaucrat/official(= who does not have much power or authority, although they might pretend to)小官僚;小官员

2.小气的;狭隘的caring too much about small and unimportant matters, especially when this is unkind to other people

How could you be so petty?你怎么那么小气呢?



adj.1.not important and not worth worrying about2.unpleasant to someone because you care too much about something that is not really important3.minor

1.小的 offence n. 罪行; 冒犯; 不愉快的事 petty a. 小的; 不足道的 doorstep n. 门阶 ...

2.佩蒂 Ferguson 弗格森 Petty 佩蒂 Marks 马克斯 ...

3.细小的 pest/ pest/n. 害虫;害人虫 petty/ 5peti/a. 细小的;器量小的 plague/ pleig/n. 瘟疫,鼠疫;天灾 ...

4.琐碎的 picayunish adj 微不足道的,不值钱的 petty a. 琐碎的,小规模的,小气的 nugae n 无聊事,琐事 | ...

5.器量小的 pest/ pest/n. 害虫;害人虫 petty/ 5peti/a. 细小的;器量小的 plague/ pleig/n. 瘟疫,鼠疫;天灾 ...

6.不足道的 offence n. 罪行; 冒犯; 不愉快的事 petty a. 小的; 不足道的 doorstep n. 门阶 ...

7.配第 picayunish adj 微不足道的,不值钱的 petty a. 琐碎的,小规模的,小气的 nugae n 无聊事,琐事 | ...


1.Those corrupt officials went from the desire to gain petty advantages to what can only be described as greed.那些贪官污吏起初只是想占点小便宜,而后来则变得只能说是贪得无厌。

2.The Chief Petty Officer was furious at me for making such a dive, at my age, and in not very good condition.海军上士因为我的年纪已大并且在这种不利的条件下去进行这样的潜水而发愁。

3.Mr. Obama said he does not want to see - what he called - "petty poptics" get in the way of reform.奥巴马说,他不希望看到他所说的“政治把戏”阻碍改革。

4.How much petty cash do we have left after paying for the trip to the conference?在支付完去研讨会的旅费后,我们还剩下多少零用金?

5.It was a pity, that cop. Out of all kinds of dangers, he was done in by two petty thieves trying to steal electric cables.那个交警很可惜啊,居然被两个偷电缆的小东西给搞翻了。

6.The anarchism is one kind of poptical ideological trend of the petty bourgeoisie which came into being in Europe.无政府主义是一种产生于欧洲的小资产阶级政治思潮。

7.he said that the young man's petty desires were pricked upon hearing such a request.他说,年轻人听到这个要求之后,他卑微的欲望被挑了起来。

8.His punishments of Capban are petty and vindictive, as he calls upon his spirits to pinch Capban when he curses.他的丑陋处罚是琐碎的和有报仇心的,如同当他诅咒的时候,他在他的精神之后呼叫掐丑陋一样。

9.They had become so attached to the meager rewards of cruelty and petty power that they did not even remember how to be any other way.他们已经附属于残忍暴行和琐碎权力所带来的微不足道的报酬,以致于他们完全不记得如何以另一种方式存在。

10.The company accountant will probably allow the cost of water, tea and coffee out of the company's petty cash.公司的会计应该从公司的零用现金中准备出水、茶和咖啡的费用。