


美式发音: [miˈændər] 英式发音: [miˈændə(r)]




复数:meanders  现在分词:meandering  过去式:meandered  同义词反义词





1.[i](+ adv./prep.)蜿蜒而行;迂回曲折to curve a lot rather than being in a straight pne

The stream meanders slowly down to the sea.这条小河弯弯曲曲缓慢地流向大海。

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)漫步;闲逛to walk slowly and change direction often, especially without a particular aim

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)(乏味地、令人费解地)漫谈,闲聊to develop slowly and change subject often, in a way that makes it boring or difficult to understand


v.1.没目的地散步 (along);聊天,漫谈2.曲曲折折地流

v.1.a river or road that meanders follows a path with a lot of turns and curves2.to move slowly without a particular direction or purpose in mind3.to talk or write for a long time, changing subjects or ideas, so that people become bored or confused

1.曲流 河马 Hippopotamus 河曲;曲流 meander 河曲疤 meander scar ...

2.漫步 moulder 渐趋腐朽 meander 蜿蜒而流,漫步 philander 调戏追逐女人 ...

3.蜿蜒而流 moulder 渐趋腐朽 meander 蜿蜒而流,漫步 philander 调戏追逐女人 ...

4.曲折 iceberg 冰山 meander 曲折 ributary 支流 ...

5.河曲 meander trough 曲流槽 meander 河曲 meandering course 曲流 ...

6.闲逛 如何用英语表达“逼平”? how to say " meander: 漫步;闲逛 custom-made: 定做的 ...

7.蜿蜒缓慢流动飞 bend 弯,拐角 meander 蜿蜒缓慢流动飞 attitude. 看法 ...


1.A meander around the local vicinity of the hotel was good fun - the Khmer people really are quite wonderful and exceptionally friendly.在酒店邻近散步也很有趣――这里的高棉人风趣而且特别友好。

2."Broad meander valley" -- suddenly this concept jumped out at him, and he smiled faintly.“曲流宽谷”,突然一个概念跳了出来,他不禁微微笑了。

3.At least he had remembered "broad meander valley, " while looking at his map and the scenery.不过他总算记住了一个曲流宽谷,而且是对着地图和大地记住了它。

4."Meander and milk the moment for meaning, " he cautions himself at one point, mid-courtship, when he fears things are moving too fast.在恋爱期间,当他担心一切进展得太快时,他曾一度警告自己“为有意义的事情放慢脚步、挤出时间”。

5.But if you are prepared to meander and occasionally indulge, then there is a wealth to discover within these pages.但是如果你做好了曲折旅途及偶尔放纵的准备,你就会在这本书中找到有价值的东西。

6.For this reason, Shakespeare is called the Swan of Avon; Virgil, the Swan of Mantua; Homer, the Swan of Meander.所以莎士比亚被誉为“埃文河上的天鹅”,维吉尔号称“曼图亚的天鹅”,荷马有“密安德的天鹅”之美称。

7.Like sweeping brushstrokes of pink and green, the Belcher Islands meander across the deep blue of Canada's Hudson Bay.就像一幅由粉红色和绿色刷成的画那样,贝尔彻群岛在深蓝色的加拿大哈德逊湾中蜿蜒。

8.At first I was embarrassed to meander home through the Alsatian villages looking for a restaurant where I could have lunch.起初,我尴尬地穿过阿尔萨斯村庄蜿蜒往家开去,路上寻找着我能够吃上午饭的饭店。

9.Next, they could take a bus tour, catch a movie or meander through a tropical butterfly garden.接下来他们还可以来个巴士游、看场电影或去热带蝴蝶园逛逛。

10.The modish French Concession comes into focus with a meander around its leafy back streets.在树荫下的小马路漫步,风韵犹存的法租界映入眼帘。