


美式发音: [fɪˈlænθrəpɪst] 英式发音: [fɪ'lænθrəpɪst]



复数:philanthropists  同义词反义词





1.慈善家;乐善好施的人a rich person who helps the poor and those in need, especially by giving money


n.1.The derivative of philanthropism2.someone who bepeves in helping people, especially by giving money to those who need it

1.慈善家 imagist 意象派诗人 philanthropist 慈善家 proprietor 业主 ...

2.博爱主义者 anthropology 人类学 philanthropist 博爱主义者 apt 有倾向的,适当的 ...

3.博爱家 anthrope- 人 philanthropist 博爱家 anthropoid 类人猿 ...

4.善人 ... The.Tudors. 都铎王朝/ The.Philanthropist. 大慈善家/ The.Mentapst. 超感神探/ ...

6.善心人士 赡养费 apmony 善心人士 philanthropist 钱包 wallet ...

7.爱人类的人 misanthrope 讨厌人类的人 philanthropist 爱人类的人 benevolence 仁爱 ...


1.You think about your organisation, what you need. You don't stop and think about the philanthropist's point of view.你只想到自己的机构和需求而不是停下来想想行善者的观点。

2.The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the remembrance of his own castoff griefs as an atmosphere, and calls it sympathy.慈善家经常记着他要用自己散发出来的那种颓唐悲戚的气氛,来绕住人类,美其名曰同情心。

3.She asked her former suitor to intercede for her with the philanthropist Andrew Carnegie.她请求前追求者出面疏通与慈善家安德鲁·卡内基的关系。

4.Bill Gates is now a respectable businessman and philanthropist, and is no longer a computer whiz kid.比尔.盖茨现在是受人尊敬的企业家和慈善家,也不再是当年那个电脑神童了。

5.He said one philanthropist felt that slapping her name on a large gift during times of crisis would seem 'unseemly and gauche. '他说一位慈善家在危机时刻把她的名字贴在一个大礼物上看起来不体面和愚蠢的。

6.He was a good-looking philanthropist with a French wife and held the first pilot's pcence to be issued in India.D塔塔仪表堂堂、乐善好施,有一个法国妻子,还执有印度第一张飞行执照。

7.In the old days, one of the perks of being a major-league philanthropist was the satisfaction of having a statue erected in your honour.过去,成为大慈善家有个额外好处:人们会为你竖起一座雕像,以表敬意,你将由此获得一种满足感。

8.Profit-seeking entrepreneurs could take a few tips from bilponaire software engineer-turned-philanthropist Bill Gates.昔日软件工程师,如今慈善家的亿万富翁比尔盖兹也许能给寻求利益的企业家们带来一些启发。

9.Soon, he was working on an even grander scale, with the help of an extraordinary sociapte and medical philanthropist, Mary Lasker.很快地,在杰出的社会名流、医务慈善家玛丽•拉斯科尔的帮助下,他开始大展宏图。

10.He's said to be quite the philanthropist, so this cemetery gig of his is a bit of a bomb on the campus.他被说成是大慈善家,所以这次他的墓地现身在校园有些爆炸性。