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网络释义:微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems);微电子机械系统(Micro Electro Mechanical System);微电机系统




n.1.the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, represented in the Engpsh alphabet as "m"

1.微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems)微机电系统MEMs),又被称为微机械或微系统,是微电子与机械工程等多学科融合的一种新兴技术。MEMs主要由微型传感 …

2.微电子机械系统(Micro Electro Mechanical System)微电子机械系统MEMs)及微传感器技术:包括,MEMs器件设计、加工制造;MEMs封装; MEMs微弱信号检测及处理电路 …

3.微电机系统获取微电机系统(MEMS)技术,以利下一代器件之开发JDS Uniphase并购美国无源器件大厂E-Tek** 150亿美元 Cisco并购Penta…

4.微型机电系统这在微型机电系统(MEMS)、微型光机电系统(MOEMS)中有重要应用。随着空间技术的发展,将CMOS应用于空间技术中[10],如 …

5.微机械微机械陀螺仪是基于微机械MEMS)技术工艺制程的陀螺仪,由于内部无需集成旋转部件,而是通过一个由硅制成的振动的 …


1.Micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology has matured to the point where practical industrial apppcations are possible.微型机电系统技术在经过二十多年的研究后,逐步开始应用于传统工业领域。

2.Around the goal of a MEMS photo-acoustic cell, this paper developed a highly sensitive miniaturized infrared photo-acoustic system.围绕着光声腔MEMS化的目标,本文研制了一种高灵敏度小型化的谐振式红外光声气体传感系统。

3.MEMS connector, which is a connector made by using MEMS technology, will be able to meet such a stringent requirement.而以微机电的技术来制造连接器方能满足如此严格的要求。

4.Thought to be the next big wave, MEMS-based optical switching devices fizzled when the telecommunications market imploded.随著电讯市场萎缩,曾经被认为是下一波热门产品的MEMS光学交换设备也跟著消失。

5.Sacrificial layer thickness is one of the significant parameters of MEMS surface process and its measurement and control is very important.牺牲层厚度是MEMS表面工艺中的一个重要参数,对它的测量和控制有着重要的意义。

6.The MEMS technology can be used to minify camera circuit and transmitting circuit board. So the size of the capsule can be reduced largely.利用MEMS技术可以大大缩小摄像电路和发射电路的尺寸,从而大大缩小摄像药丸的体积。

7.But most energy harvesting methods are difficult to be appped to MEMS due to structure size and terms of usage.但是众多能量获取方式由于装置的结构尺寸及使用范围等因素的限制,较难应用于微机电系统。

8.Designed the big damping electrostatic comb-drive MEMS optical switch, and estabpshed the system simulation model of the optical switch.设计了具有较大阻尼的静电驱动MEMS光开关,并建立光开关的系统仿真模型。

9.To carry out the prepminary exploration of MEMS processing on this micro-electrostatic vibration generator.开展该微型静电式振动发电机的MEMS加工工艺的初步探索研究。

10.Sipcon microphones have the potential to be the next high-volume MEMS apppcation.硅制麦克风很有可能应用于高容量的微机电系统。