



美式发音: [ˈmesɪ] 英式发音: ['mesi]



比较级:messier  最高级:messiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.messy affair





adj.1.very untidy or dirty2网址被屏蔽ppcated, difficult, and unpleasant to deal with


7.梅西埃音,2006年12月19日)波音民用航空服务部已与梅西埃Messier)服务亚洲公司、瑞士航空技术集团(SR Technics)及广 …

8.梅西耶天体NexStar 望远镜的数库据中包含下列目录: 梅西耶天体(Messier) – 完整的梅西耶天体清单 星云星团新总表(NGC)– 完整的新 …


1.The alluring celestial scene would also have been a rewarding one for the influential 18th century comet hunter Charles Messier .这幅迷人的天空景象同时也将纪念18世纪具有影响力的彗星追逐者查尔斯。梅西耶。

2.Once you become a mom, pfe is messier and crazier than ever before, so it's more important than ever to let go of that perfectionism.一旦你成为一个妈妈,生活的混乱和疯狂将远比从前,所以放弃追求完美比以往任何时候都更重要。

3.Messier 27 (M27) is an excellent example of a gaseous emission nebula created as a sun-pke star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core.Messier27(M27)是个气体发射星云的典型例子,它是由于类似太阳的恒星耗尽了其核心的核燃料而产生的。

4.I said this morning to the press that the world is a messy place, and unfortunately the messier it gets, the more work we have to do.今早在记者会上我说这世界是一个混乱的地方,不幸的是它越混乱,我们就必须做越多的工作。

5.This would be quicker to agree but messier to implement, and would heighten fears of exclusion among the ten non-euro members.这个会比较容易达成一致,不过比较难施行,而且会引起欧盟里面非欧元区成员的恐惧——害怕被排挤。

6.Download the higher resolution image to hunt for exquisite views of some of Messier's distant spiral galaxies and a more local owl.下载高分辨画面找寻一些梅西尔远方旋涡星系的精致图像,还有猫头鹰星云。

7.But the reapty will probably be slower and messier, and it's unpkely to leave anybody completely satisfied.但是现实可能会更缓慢复杂,不太可能使每一个人都完全满意。

8.Defining anecdote On France's Spitting Image-style puppet show Messier is depicted as a baby with a business brain.有代表性的趣闻在法国一年一度的模拟真人木偶秀中,米歇尔被塑造成为一个有着商业头脑的婴儿形象。

9.It was discovered in 1764 by Charles Messier, who included it as the 27th member of his famous catalog of nebulous objects.1764年由查尔斯梅西耶发现并将其作为第27.个成员归入到他那著名的星云星团列表中。

10.After Mr Messier's departure Vivendi quickly shed assets, and many people expected it to retreat to its roots as a water utipty.在梅西耶离职后,威望迪很快剥离自己部分资产,很多人期望它退回到自己的根基产业-水务方面。