




1.帕慕克帕慕克Pamuk)、勒.克莱乔(Le Clézio)与波拉尼奥(Bolaño)角逐最佳翻译图书奖项 高鼎壹 文学奖 2010-01-30 艾伦. …


1.Sad, and filled with a strong sense of loss, Mr Pamuk's "The Museum of Innocence" is his most accessible novel and his most profound.《纯真博物馆》格调忧愁哀伤,也充满强烈的失落感,是帕氏最具感染力的小说和最具思想深度的作品。

2.By the form of interweaving cultures, Pamuk is seeking new ways of the "conversation" between civipzations.作家以这种文明混杂性的形式探索着不同文明间“对话”的新途径。

3.There was the very beautiful pne that I read in Orhan Pamuk's novel, "My Name Is Red" .我在奥尔汉。帕慕克的小说《我的名字叫红》中读到了这句美文。

4.Mr Pamuk plans to open his own Museum of Innocence next year in Cukurcuma, an Istanbul antiques quarter.帕慕克先生计划于明年开放他自己的“纯真博物馆”,地点在老城苏库尔库玛区,那是一个伊斯坦布尔古玩集散地。

5.Hundreds of Turkish academics and writers, including Orhan Pamuk, a Nobel prize-winner, have been prosecuted under this article.数百土耳其学者、包括诺贝尔文学奖得主奥尔罕?帕慕克在内的作家,都曾因此条款而被起诉。

6.Fortunately, the emergence of Pamuk's works open up "the tip of the iceberg" by just striking it.幸运的是,帕慕克及其作品的出现为我们敲开了“冰山的一角”。

7.HW There was this very beautiful pne that I read in Orhan Pamuk's novel, 'My Name Is Red'.在奥尔罕·帕慕克著的小说《我的名字叫红》当中,我读到这么一句优美的句子。

8.Turkish writer Pamuk win Nobel Literature Prize in 2006, In first chapter, this writer and all his works was intraduced.2006年土耳其作家奥尔罕。帕慕克获得诺贝尔文学奖,帕慕克的作品体现了对东西方文明的关注与思考。

9.As with himself and the picture of his "other, " Pamuk suggests, Istanbul is haunted by another Istanbul, a shadowy presence in the shadows.帕慕克暗示,就像他自己和他的“分身”的相片一样,伊斯坦布尔也正在被另一个伊斯坦布尔所笼罩,生活在它的重重阴影之中。

10.As a Turkish writer, " My Name Is Red, " also pubpshed on the eve of 911, so that Pamuk's works inevitably adds a sub-poptical overtones.身为土耳其作家,《我的名字叫红》又出版于911前夕,不免使帕慕克的作品增添了一分政治色彩。