



美式发音: [ˈmet(ə)l] 英式发音: ['met(ə)l]


v.(〔英国〕 -ll-)用金属包;用碎石铺(路面)


复数:metals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal plate,precious metal,metal alloy,molten metal,metal oxide

v.+n.use metal,sell metal,melt metal


n.heavy metal



v.1.(〔英国〕 -ll-)用金属包;用碎石铺(路面)

n.1.a hard, usually shiny element that exists naturally in the ground or in rock, for example lead, gold, or iron. Metals are usually good conductors of heat and electricity and are used to make things such as tools, machines, weapons etc; an alloy such as steel that is made from two or more metals combined together, or a metal combined with a non-metal; used about something that is made of metal2.heavy metal

1.金属 常用塑料的表面能 Dynes/cm 金属 Metals 聚碳酸酯 Polycarbonate ...

2.金属材料 塑胶 plastic 五金 metals 亚克力 acrypc ...

4.金属材质 印刷品( Printed matters) 金属类Metals) 外贸产品( Foreign products) ...

6.金属产品 ★工业卫生检测( Industrial Hygiene) ★ 金属元素 Metals ★湿法化学 Wet Chemistry ...

8.金属艺术 Mathematics 数学 Metals 金属艺术 Microbiology 微生物学 ...


1.Analysts are beginning to ask, as they have of oil and metals, whether higher prices are here to stay.分析家们不禁要问,这种涨价风会不会和石油,金属一样,居高不下。

2.Others dumping precious metals lately doubt the Fed will take much more aggressive action to help the economy, at least for now.其他最近抛售贵金属的投资者不认为美联储会采取更激进的做法以提振经济,至少暂时还不会。

3.He took on another of Milpngton's duties and began to buy some of the metals for the manufacture of the arms.他经办了米林顿的另一项工作,着手为生产武器购买一些金属。

4.At the moment oxides of metals such as zinc and copper seem to be the favourites, but tiny tubes made of carbon are also being explored.目前似乎更青睐于使用锌和铜等金属的氧化物,然而由碳元素组成的微型电子管也正在研发中。

5.Mr. Deripaska bought out his partners in Rusal, which had ample cash flow thanks to rising metals prices and low taxes.德里帕斯卡买下了他在Rusal的合伙人手中的股份。由于金属价格不断上涨、税费较低,Rusal有着充裕的现金流。

6.It ranks among China's largest metals traders and has so far been one of the bolder Chinese miners in terms of overseas deals.该公司是中国最大的金属交易商之一,也是迄今在海外交易方面较大胆的中国矿商之一。

7.While gains in other precious metals may be overdue, analysts were agreed that, ultimately, there was no substitute for gold.尽管其它贵金属的涨势迟迟未到,但分析师们还是一致认为,最终将没有黄金的替代投资品种。

8.Even half of that quantity would be enough to underpin metals demand.即使只建500万套,也足以支撑中国对金属大宗商品的需求。

9.The base metals division overtook the metallurgical coal division, which had a strong performance in 2009 but a far weaker one this time.贱金属部门的表现强于炼焦煤部门,后者2009财年表现强劲,但今年远为逊色。

10.That iron carried with it a slew of iron-loving metals, including gold and platinum.铁下沉的同时也带走了大量亲铁金属,包括金和铂。