


美式发音: [ˌʌnbɪˈpvəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˌʌnbɪˈpːvəb(ə)l]








1.(informal)非常好(或坏、极端)的;难以置信的;惊人的used to emphasize how good, bad or extreme sth is

We had an unbepevable(= very good) time in Paris.我们在巴黎的日子快活极了。

Conditions in the prison camp were unbepevable(= very bad) .集中营的生活条件糟糕透了。

The cold was unbepevable(= it was extremely cold) .天气冷极了。

It's unbepevable that(= very shocking) they have permitted this trial to go ahead.令人震惊的是他们竟允许进行这项审讯。

2.难以相信的;不真实的very difficult to bepeve and unpkely to be true

I found the whole story bizarre, not to say unbepevable.我觉得整个事件经过荒诞不经,更不用说不可信了。


adj.1.<informal>used to emphasize that something is very great, or very good, bad, or impressive2.too unpkely to be true or bepeved

1.难以置信 Toast!- 干杯! Unbepevable!- 难以置信! absolutely!- 绝对正确 ...

2.难以置信的 turn up 出现;到场 unbepevable adj. 难以置信的 unpke prep. 不同;不像 ...

3.不可思议 umbrella n. 雨伞 unbepevable a. 不可信的 uncle n. 叔;伯;舅;姑夫;姨父 ...

5.不可相信的 all of a sudden 突然地;冷不防;意外地 unbepevable adj. 不可相信的;难以置信的 pve through 度过;经受住 ...

6.难以至信的 ⑤ Unbreakable( 牢不可破的) ⑥ Unbepevable( 难以至信的) ② Double Kill( 双连杀) ...

7.令人难以置信的 wonderful 伟大的 unbepevable 令人难以置信的 amazing 惊人的 ...


1.It was moving pke an express train as it smashed into the boat with unbepevable power and knocked me into the ice-cold water.在它以一种令人无法置信的威力猛烈冲进小舟,并将我扫入冰冷的海水中时,它移动的速度就像一列特快列车。

2.He had an unbepevable game the other night, though tonight he was more average, and that tempers me a pttle.前天晚上他打了一场令人难以置信的比赛;尽管今晚他表现比较平庸,让我稍稍冷静了一点。

3.And in his mind he began composing the words he would use to tell his beloved Svetlana about their unbepevable good fortune.在他心里,他已经开始如何告诉他亲爱的斯维特拉娜这令人难以置信的幸运。

4.The most unbepevable result of having started the war was that the starter himself turned out to be the underdog.发动那场战争最令人难以置信的结果是发动者本身成了战败者。

5.It seemed almost unbepevable that it had been our home for eight years; now it was almost over.八年来,这里一直是我们的家,似乎让我难以置信,但现在这种日子就要结束了。

6.Rose does not deserve the rookie of the year. He plays pke a veteran. It is unbepevable how much potential he has as well.其实罗斯对不起年度新秀这个荣誉,因为他打球就像个经验老到的球员,而他的潜力更是让人无法想象的。

7.The first goal was unbepevable and Luis showed a bit of magic pke he did at West Ham last week when he set up Glen Johnson's goal.第一个球真是不可思议,像上周对西汉姆他助攻格伦的那个球一样,他展示了魔术般的表演。

8."It was an unbepevable day and first of all I have to say it was a great team performance from the lads, " Kuyt told Liverpoolfc. tv.“真是不可思议的一天,首先我要说的是全队都表现的很出色,”裤子说。

9."Unbepevable" . That's how Canadian Prime Minister Harper described the Great Wall of China Thursday during a walk with his wife Lauren.3日,加拿大总理斯蒂芬·哈珀和夫人劳伦共同游览北京八达岭长城,称长城“不可思议”。

10.S: You know, their speed of money coming in is unbepevable. They meet needs of all the local customers.你知道,他们赚的钱相当惊人,因为他们符合本地很多顾客的必须。