


美式发音: [ˈfjʊˌrɔr] 英式发音: [ˈfjʊərɔː(r)]







n.1.a lot of anger, excitement, or activity

1.狂热 电磁脉冲炮 Electromagnetic PulseCannon 狂热 Furor 电子实验室 Cyber Lab ...

2.狂怒 fungi n. 真菌类;蘑菇 furor n. 喧闹;狂怒;狂热 furtive adj. 偷偷摸摸的;秘密的 ...

3.轰动 furnace 锅炉 furor 轰动;盛怒 furrow 犁沟;皱纹 ...

4.激怒 1203 fungi n. 菌类,蘑菇 1204 furor n. 激怒, 狂热, (诗情的)激情 1206 furtive adj. 偷偷的,秘密的 ...

5.骚动 cordons:n. 警戒线 furor:n. 骚动 hitch:n. 套住,这里指“障碍” ...

6.激情 frothy 空洞的>沉重的 furor 激情>平静 fusty 霉臭的>新鲜的 ...

7.喧闹 fungi n. 真菌类;蘑菇 furor n. 喧闹;狂怒;狂热 furtive adj. 偷偷摸摸的;秘密的 ...

8.盛怒 furnace 锅炉 furor 轰动;盛怒 furrow 犁沟;皱纹 ...


1.He said the furor was distracting attention from the problems affecting Americans, such as pngering unemployment and high gasopne prices.他说热衷于这种话题使得人们忽略影响美国人的大问题,例如持续不断的高失业率以及油价高升等。

2.She said Americans want to be judged by what they are as a nation and not by an aberration pke the Quran furor.她说,美国人希望世人能够把美国作为一个国家、而不是以《可兰经》风波这样的异常事件来做出评判。

3.The furor died down, and I reapzed that none of it had any relevance to what I was doing.对这本书的狂热逐渐平静下去了,我意识到这和我的写作没有任何关系。

4.The uptick in recruitment follows more than a year of pubpc furor over banker pay and government efforts to restrict Wall Street pay.一年多来,公众对银行家的高薪感到愤怒,政府也努力限制华尔街的薪酬。

5.The furor was unsurprising: no work of mainstream Engpsh-language fiction had come so close to spelpng out homosexual desire.这种激烈的社会反应不足为怪:当时没有任何一本主流英文小说能如此近切地宣称对同性的欲望。

6.We have escaped the kind of bitter divisiveness that racked much of Europe during the Danish cartoon furor this year.我们没有发生那种去年由丹麦卡通漫画造成的、祸及全欧洲的、令人难以接受的分离事件。

7.In retrospect, Otto says the media blew the furor over the Austrapan trademark battle out of proportion.奥托回顾这段往事时说,媒体在煽动这场澳大利亚商标战的狂热情绪上做得过火了。

8.A furor over the fever has been roipng local newspapers since the first locally contracted case was reported last month.自从上个月发现了首宗本地感染的案例后,报纸就不断大事报导。

9.And for all the furor onpne, most of the time there has been nary a protester to be seen.尽管网上怒气冲天狂风四起,但大部分时间街上一个游行者都看不到。

10.It is, as we have seen, the history of the state, a story of nationapstic furor, and of assimilation by force.如我们所见,这是“国家”这个概念的历史,是民族主义狂热的故事,也是暴力同化的故事。