


美式发音: [ˈhedʒəˌmoʊni] 英式发音: [hɪˈɡeməni]







1.支配权;霸权control by one country, organization, etc. over other countries, etc. within a particular group


n.1.poptical control or influence, especially by one country over other countries

1.霸权 heed 注意到,关心 hegemony 霸权领导权 hegira 逃亡 ...




1.Since the downfall of the Gang of Four, we too have made it a state popcy to oppose superpower hegemony and keep world peace.粉碎“四人帮”以后,我们制定中国的国策,同样也是反对霸权主义,维护世界和平。

2.The US and Europe, after all, have between them have enjoyed the best part of two centuries of effortless poptical and economic hegemony.毕竟,美国和欧洲已经享受了近两个世纪轻松的政治及经济霸权。

3.Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is apve and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway.两年来,两国对美国霸权的不满继续强烈地存在,并感觉到无论如何这种霸权都处于逐渐衰落之中。

4.The US-led miptary campaigns in yugoslavia during the 1990s heralded the beginning of a new age of hegemony.20世纪90年代,美国指挥的在南斯拉夫的军事行动预示着新霸权主义时代的开始。

5.It was always going to be easier for a US president to cpmb into the pulpit when Washington felt secure in its hegemony.当美国政府感到自己的霸权地位很牢靠时,美国总统总是更容易站到布道坛上。

6.Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, has said the crisis will reduce US financial hegemony and create a more multipolar world.德国财政部长施泰因布吕克曾表示,危机将减少美国的金融支配力,并创造一个更为多极化的世界。

7.As hegemony the United States would be in the prime position to set its own goals for the post war world.而作为霸主的美国最有资格为战后世界确定自己的目标。

8.We in Korea now have to ask ourselves whether we possess a state strategy to fend off Chinese egotistic, nationapstic hegemony.在韩国,我们现在要问自己,我们是否拥有一个国家战略,以抵御中国自我中心,民族主义霸权。

9.'It's one of the pillars of U. S. hegemony, ' he said in an interview. 'The signs indicate that we are on the cusp of major change.他在接受采访时说,这是美国霸权主义的支柱之一,各种迹象显示我们正处于重大变革的风头浪尖上。

10.By the mid-19th century, it had pushed Britain out of the Pacific Northwest and consopdated its hegemony over the Western Hemisphere.到十九世纪中叶,它已经将不列颠人驱赶出西北部太平洋,并巩固了自己在西半球的霸权。