




1.宫崎 Tokushima ? 岛市 Miyazaki 宫崎市 Mito 水户市 ...

4.九州-宫崎市 九州-熊本市- KUMAMOTO 九州-宫崎市- MIYAZAKI 九州-长崎市- NAGASAKI ...

5.宫崎机场 宫崎 KMI 宫崎机场 MIYAZAKI 鹿儿岛 KOJ ...

6.宫崎骏园地 家族网 Isan 宫崎骏园地 Miyazaki ...

7.宫崎铁工日本宫崎铁工MIYAZAKI)催化剂真空挤出成型机,炼泥机 英国阿碎得ATRITOR气流粉料干燥机 德国毛瑟MAUSER吹塑成型 …


1.Now, although probably not intentionally, "Nausicaa" and Miyazaki's anime works seem to have found a kind of balance.现在,尽管也许不是有意的,而《风之谷》和宫崎骏的动画作品似乎已经找到了一种平衡。

2.In spite of her illness, she had a strong influence on Miyazaki, who rarely saw his busy father.尽管她的病情,她有很强的影响宫崎,谁很少看到他忙碌的父亲。

3.Then Miyazaki does something no American director would dare: he takes all the air out of the tires and turns the whole thing into a farce.接下来宫崎骏做了一件任何美国的导演都不敢做的事情:他把疲倦一抛而光,然后把整个事情变成了一场闹剧。

4.Miyazaki acknowledged inspiration from the Hans Christian Andersen story, but said the similarity was only glancing.宫崎骏承认灵感来自于安徒生的童话故事,但是两者的相似性非常粗略。

5.Shojo: Miko Miyazaki, the orders I gave you were to depver this halfpng to my audience chamber.我给你的命令是把这名半身人送到觐见室。

6.As part of his economics major, Miyazaki researched Japanese industry and the war's effect on his country.作为他的经济学的主要研究日本宫崎县工业和战争的影响,他的国家。

7.Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984), Miyazaki's first independently made movie, reflects the problems of modern humans.《风之谷》是宫崎骏第一部独立制作的电影,反映了当代人类社会的问题。

8.To see a Miyazaki film is to enter a whole new world. Though his fantasies4 take us to faraway places, his themes are firmly down-to-earth.观赏宫崎骏的电影就像进入一个全新的世界,虽然他的奇想带领我们到遥远的地方,但他所探讨的主题却与我们的生活息息相关。

9.Reflecting Miyazaki's feminism, the protagonists of his films are often strong, independent girls or young women.宫崎骏的女性主义思想经常反映在电影当中,所以电影中的主角往往是强壮且独立的女孩或年轻女性。

10.One of the country's most popular animators, Hayao Miyazaki, has produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation.宫崎骏是日本最受欢迎的漫画家之一,他曾制作了多部日本电视动画的经典巨作。