



美式发音: [fɪˈnæns] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪnæns]




第三人称单数:finances  现在分词:financing  过去式:financed  搭配同义词

v.+n.finance minister,finance business,finance construction,finance industry,finance project


v.back,invest in,put money into,pay for,fund




n.1.decisions on how money is spent or invested2.the money that is used to pay for something such as a large project; your finances are how much money you have and how well you spend it or save it

v.1.to pay for something such as a large project


2.资金 E、Ad Bomb Spell 使更多的顾客到你的商店去购物 1、Finances 资金 2、Cu…

3.财源 financial standing 财金情况 finances 财源,财金情况 quotation table 价目表 ...

4.财务状况 ... licensed product 授权商品 finances 财务状况;资金 patch 园地;小块土地 ...

5.岁入 ... finance 财政 finances 财源;资金;岁入 Financial Accounting Standards Board 财务会计准则委员会 ...

6.财政类 Academics and Faculty 学术与院系设置 Finances 财政类 Admission 入学 ...


1.Leaders can't even be sure how much municipalities are spending because local finances have become so murky.他们甚至还不能确定有地方政府的收支状况,因为地方财政很不透明。

2.How can I be assured as a voter that the money being lavishly spent by you and your campaign for re-election is not public finances?我身为选民,该如何确定你的竞选阵营大批银弹攻势并非公帑?

3.However, other activities plus the fact that prices are not as they used to be have really taken their toll on my finances.然而,其他的活动加上物价已不如从前这样一个事实确实使我的经济遭受损失。

4.It is not about finances, it's just a case of sorting out the length of the loan. I think it will probably get done.这不是关于财政问题,而是关于租借的时间长短问题,我想这很有可能完成。

5.If Greece is to get itself out of trouble, fixing the public finances is only the beginning.若希腊想摆脱困境,纠正其公共财政问题只是刚刚开始而已。

6.If he goes down such a road, it would create fresh problems, notably for the public finances.如果萨克奇沿着这条路走下去,新的问题就有可能产生,尤其是社会金融问题。

7."Consumers' financial situations remain dismal as the majority reported that their finances continued to worsen, " Curtin said.他还称,“消费者的财务状况仍显拮据,因大多数称其财务状况继续恶化。”

8.European policy makers are trying to pressure wayward countries like Greece into taking stronger action to fix their finances.欧洲的决策者们也正试图向希腊这类任性的欧元区成员国施加压力,要求其采取更强有力的措施来解决自己的财政问题。

9.I rave about this book because it did a lot to help me take control of my own personal finances.我大力推荐这本书,因为它给我对控制自己的财务状况带来很大帮助。

10.Greentown said the buyback was essential to shoring up the company's finances.绿城中国表示,回购债券对提振公司的财务状况至关重要。