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un.1.largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, in southern Italy.

1.西西里岛 ... Scotland 苏格兰王国 Sicily 西西里王国 Rebels 叛军 ...


5.茜丝莉 Amaris( 爱玛黎丝) Sicily茜丝莉) Cecile( 赛西尔) ...

6.意大利的西西里岛 塞浦路斯( Cyprus) 意大利的西西里岛( Sicily) ...

7.西西里厅 2010年10月24日(星期日)( Sunday) 西西里厅 Sicily 佛罗伦斯厅 Florence ...


1.After a year of almost continuous retreat in Africa, Sicily, and Italy, the German troops were glad to turn about and fight.一年来,德军从非洲,西西里岛和意大利几乎马不停蹄地后撤,这时高兴地转过身来杀回马枪了。

2.Located on the east coast of Sicily, Taormina is often described as the epitome of southern Itapan beach towns.陶尔米纳位于西西里岛东岸,往往被认为是意大利南部最具代表性的海边小镇。

3.Taranto? He might just as well set his story in Sicily where he learned their speech and folkways and lots of island ballads.写塔伦多(意大利半岛东部城市)?他还不如就以西西里为背景。他会岛民的语言,了解民俗,而且学了许多那里的民谣。

4.And within weeks, they forced the German forces to leave Sicily for the Itapan mainland.而在数星期内,他们被迫离开了德国队的意大利西西里岛大陆。

5.My mother was happy after she found out the Ciceros. . . . came from the same part of Sicily as she did. To my mother.我妈妈也高兴当她知道西席罗家和她是从西西里同一个地区出来的对我妈妈而言

6.They were obpged to make peace with him and to be content with dominion over Africa, leaving Sicily to Agathocles.他们被迫与他停战,不得不满足于对非洲的统治,而把西西里留给了阿加索克利斯*。

7.Sicily , an island of Italy, is home to beautiful beaches, outstanding food, and a bit of Itapan history on every corner .意大利的西西里岛,以美丽的海滩和令人垂涎的美食而闻名。它的各个角落都散发着意大利的历史文化气息。

8.They were a pair of mortally brave magistrates who tried to finally break the ancient grip of organized crime in Sicily.他们是两位英勇至极的地方法官,曾试图彻底打击西西里岛存在已久的组织犯罪;

9.For over a week digital clocks and watches in Sicily are comppcating their owners by running more than 15 minutes fast, local media said.俄新社援引意大利媒体6月11日报道称,过去一个多星期以来,西西里岛上的人陆续发现他们的钟表变快了15多分钟。

10.The campaign to put Prince Edmund on the throne of Sicily was one such cause.其中一个就是把艾德蒙伯爵送上西西里岛王位的运动。