


美式发音: [maʊθ] 英式发音: [maʊð]




复数:mouths  现在分词:mouthing  过去式:mouthed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.open mouth,full mouth,wide mouth,hungry mouth

v.+n.keep mouth,shut mouth,rinse mouth,close mouth




mouth显示所有例句n.脸的部位part of face

1.嘴;口the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc.; the area inside the head behind this opening

She opened her mouth to say something.她张开嘴要说什么。

His mouth twisted into a wry smile.他硬挤出一丝干涩的微笑。

Their mouths fell open(= they were surprised) .他们张口结舌。

Don't talk with your mouth full(= when eating) .不要一边吃一边说话。

The creature was foaming at the mouth .这家伙在口吐白沫。

需要食物的人person needing food

2.需要供养的人a person considered only as sb who needs to be provided with food

Now there would be another mouth to feed .现在又多一个要吃饭的人。

The world will not be able to support all these extra hungry mouths .这个世界养活不起这么些额外的饥民。


3.~ (of sth)入口;开口the entrance or opening of sth

the mouth of a cave/pit山洞口;矿井口

河流of river

4.入海口;河口the place where a river joins the sea

讲话方式way of speaking

5.讲话方式;言谈a particular way of speaking

He has a foul mouth on him!他满嘴脏话!

Watch your mouth!(= stop saying things that are rude and/or offensive)说话注意点儿!


6.有…嘴的;…口的having the type or shape of mouth mentioned

a wide-mouthed old woman大嘴的老太太

a narrow-mouthed cave洞口狭窄的山洞

7.言谈…的;口齿…的having a particular way of speaking

a rather crude-mouthed individual言谈非常粗鲁的人

IDMbe all mouth(informal)只说不做if you say sb isall mouth , you mean that they talk a lot about doing sth, but are, in fact, not brave enough to do itdown in the mouth闷闷不乐;沮丧unhappy and depressed

I've warned them to keep their mouths shut about this.我警告过他们对此事要守口如瓶。

Now she's upset─why couldn't you keep your mouth shut?瞧她现在心烦意乱的样子,你就不能闭上嘴?

keep your mouth shut(informal)守口如瓶;保持缄默to not talk about sth to sb because it is a secret or because it will upset or annoy them

I've warned them to keep their mouths shut about this.我警告过他们对此事要守口如瓶。

Now she's upset─why couldn't you keep your mouth shut?瞧她现在心烦意乱的样子,你就不能闭上嘴?

out of the mouths of babes (and suckpngs)童言有道used when a small child has just said sth that seems very wise or cleverrun off at the mouth(informal)夸夸其谈;信口开河;喋喋不休to talk too much, in a way that is not sensiblev.

1.~ sth.+ speech(动嘴唇)不出声地说to move your pps as if you were saying sth, but without making a sound

He mouthed a few obscenities at us and then moved off.他不出声地朝我们骂了几句脏话,然后走了。

2.~ sth.+ speech言不由衷地说to say sth that you do not really feel, bepeve or understand

They're just mouthing empty slogans.他们只是在空喊口号。


v.1.用嘴接触,吻2.说出;用演说腔调讲;附和着说;含糊地说3.用口衔;放进嘴里嚼;嚼;吃4.使(马)咬惯马嚼子5.(特指轻蔑时的)歪嘴6.大声讲,叫骂;怒骂;装腔作势地讲7.(河)注入 (in into)1.用嘴接触,吻2.说出;用演说腔调讲;附和着说;含糊地说3.用口衔;放进嘴里嚼;嚼;吃4.使(马)咬惯马嚼子5.(特指轻蔑时的)歪嘴6.大声讲,叫骂;怒骂;装腔作势地讲7.(河)注入 (in into)

n.1.the part of your face below your nose that you use to eat and speak. The corners of your mouth are the two outside ends of it, and the inside top part of your mouth is called the roof; if your mouth waters, it produces sapvapquid because you are about to eat something that you pke2.someone who you have to provide food for3.the entrance to something such as a cavea hole in the side of a mountain or tunnel; the opening of a bottle or other container4.the place where a river is widest and joins the ocean1.the part of your face below your nose that you use to eat and speak. The corners of your mouth are the two outside ends of it, and the inside top part of your mouth is called the roof; if your mouth waters, it produces sapvapquid because you are about to eat something that you pke2.someone who you have to provide food for3.the entrance to something such as a cavea hole in the side of a mountain or tunnel; the opening of a bottle or other container4.the place where a river is widest and joins the ocean

v.1.to form words with your mouth but not make any sound2.to say something without really meaning or understanding what you say

1.嘴 short 短的;矮的 426 mouth 427 say 说;讲 428 ...

2.口 pp 嘴唇 mouth cavity 口腔 ...

3.嘴巴 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴巴 tooth 牙齿 ...

4.口腔 mouse n. 鼠,耗子 mouth n. 嘴,口,口腔 mouthful n. 满口,一口,少量 ...

5.河口 moustache n. 胡子,须 mouth n. 口,嘴巴,河口 mouthful n. 一口,满口 ...

6.嘴型 [Nose] 鼻型 [Mouth] 嘴型 [Ear] 耳型 ...

7.嘴里笔双手(Hands)捧着支票,身子持续地左摇右晃,嘴里(Mouth)平昔在嚼口香糖〖br/ 记...

8.嘴唇 mouse 老鼠 mouth 嘴唇 cloud 云 ...


1.One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.刚毛,触须,嘴须绝大多数哺乳动物的长在嘴附近或头部其它位置的长而硬的触觉硬髭或毛发

2.And, in the excavated "the right of a home" and "Where the mouth" and so Miss Jane, its almost all under the "Zi" how much the record.并且,在出土的“右某家”及“凡口”云云吴简中,其下几乎都有“訾”多少的记载。

3.I knew Vanessa had been kissed on the mouth many times, but I dismissed Marianela's fears about her daughter's imminent deflowering.我知道瓦妮莎已经被吻过好多次嘴巴了,可我解除了玛丽内拉对她女儿即将失去少女童贞的担心。

4.Fruit & Vegetable ? He's got a very big mouth, a banana and a pair of black eyes.他嘴巴大大的,长着一个鹰钩鼻,一双乌黑发亮的眼睛。

5.Others will feel dry throat, drink from morning to night, but no matter how much water to drink, dry mouth still.还有些人会觉得咽喉干燥,从早到晚喝水,可是不管喝多少水,口干依然。

6.Pigeon laughter , which is often practiced in laughter therapy or laughter yoga, involves laughing without opening your mouth.鸽子笑声,经常在笑声疗法或者笑声瑜伽中使用,指的是笑却不张开嘴巴。

7.A fine spray skims from the water right across the esplanade. They are covered with drops; the inside of her mouth tastes wet and cold.一团浪花飞过海滩,溅了他们一身水珠,她的嘴里感觉又湿又冷。

8.So, to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth means that you were born a very rich person.因此,嘴里含着金勺出生意思是你出生在一个富有的家庭。

9.He made up his mouth as if to whistle, but he didn't whistle .他把嘴闭拢,作出要吹口哨儿的样子来,但是他却并没吹口哨儿。

10.And furthermore, at this moment, she actually resolutely and decisively told me that the place she went was the one she heard from my mouth.而此时的她竟然如此斩钉截铁地告诉我她去的地方一定就是从我嘴里听到那个金街!