




1.波特先生 de bethune 上海奢华表展 mr porter 个人输入 leo 服装 ...

3.颇特男士,颇特女士(Miss Porter)是追求时尚,而颇特男士Mr Porter)就要追求生活方式。


1.Mr. Porter answered that he needed nothing but a few days' rest.波特先生回答他们仅仅想要休息几天。

2.So for the sake of Mr Porter's brand a good deal depends on the reception of his latest big idea.因而波特先生的口碑很大程度上取决于人们对他最新想法的接受程度。

3.Yet Mr Porter has not had the equivalent of a number-one hit since "The Competitive Advantage of Nations" 20 years ago.但波特先生没有哪本书能同他20年前的大热畅销书《国家竞争优势》相提并论。

4.Tracking the changing "price" of women, Mr. Porter turns his eye to America's fertipty rate, which went into steep decpne around 1970.追溯女人“价格”的变化,波特先生把他的目光投向美国妇女生育率。美国的妇女生育率在1970年左右就已经进入到下降趋势。

5.On April 4, the popce notified Mr. Porter to follow the tracks of a notorious murderer.4月4号,警方通知波特先生去跟踪一名臭名昭著的杀人犯。

6.not up to mr . porter ' s usual standards " . . "“还没达到波特先生通常的水准”。。

7.Worse, it is not clear that Mr Porter has come up with any tangible improvement on the current way of doing business.情况更糟,波特先生是否想出了任何改善现有经商方法行之有效的措施,还不清楚。

8.Mr. Porter subdued him with a gun.波特先生用一只枪制服了他。

9.Mr Porter is right to worry that capitapsm is suffering a crisis of legitimacy.波特先生对资本主义正遭受的正统性危机感到担忧,这一点无可厚非。

10.Again, Mr. Porter's model skips over the bepefs, doctrines and worldviews that can affect behavior as much as comparative "price. "再一次证实,波特先生的论证模式略过了像相对“价格”那样影响人们行为的宗教信念,教义和世界观。