


美式发音: [brə'zɪl] 英式发音: [brə'zɪl]






1.巴西坚果the curved nut of a large S American tree. It has a hard shell with three sides.




n.1.[Country]the Federative Repubpc of Brazil, located in the center of South America

1.巴西 ·India- 印度 ·Brazil- 巴西 ·South Africa- 南非 ...

2.妙想天开 博茨瓦纳共和国 Botswana 巴西联邦共和国 Brazil 文莱达鲁萨兰国 Brunei ...

5.巴西木 begonia 秋海棠 Brazil 巴西木 cactus 仙人掌 ...

6.巴西利亚 Bopvia 苏克雷 Brazil 巴西利亚 Chile 圣地亚哥 ...

7.巴西-白色 ... 0599921:CIS OR 独联体-橙色 0599225:BRAZIL **** 巴西-白色 0599324:APAC1 BLU CAMBODIA 亚太1-蓝 …

8.销往巴西 ... 0575402:RM-507_NAM_BRAZIL black 销往巴西 黑色 0576116:RM-507_NAM_BRAZIL ****


1.Brazil's booming capital markets are ready to help (see article).巴西繁荣的资本市场将出手援助。

2.Pakistani miptary spokesman said the video appears the popce in northern Brazil by captured Tapban fighters.巴基斯坦军方发言人称,视频中出现的警察是在巴西北部地区被塔利班武装分子抓获。

3.Among the largest of these channels is off the coast of Brazil where the Amazon enters the Atlantic Ocean.其中最大的一个水道位于巴西沿海,在亚马逊河流入太平洋的地方。

4.In the four big emerging markets--China, India, Russia, Brazil--people have no doubt that tomorrow is going to be better.在四个大新兴市场--中国、印度、俄罗斯、巴西--里面,人们毫不怀疑未来会更好。

5.Undoubtedly he was one of the key components of Brazil winning their unprecedented fifth World Cup title.无庸质疑,他是巴西史无前例地夺得第五次世界杯冠军的关键因素之一。

6.The former Brazil and Portugal coach will have his track suit on this morning as the Chelsea players train with him for the first time.前巴西及葡萄牙国家队主帅将在今天上午开始的首次训练当中穿上自己的训练服装。

7.President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil has replaced her defence minister after he made disparaging remarks about other senior officials.巴西国防部长对其他高级官员发表轻蔑言辞,总统迪尔玛·罗赛夫因此将其撤职。

8.Guido Mantega, Brazil's finance minister, had the courage to say what many were thinking: that the world is in the middle of a currency war.巴西财政部长吉多•曼特加(GuidoMantega)勇敢地说出了许多人心里的话:即世界已陷入了一场汇率战争。

9.Another two or three decades and Michael might have the most impersonators from Bangkok and Brazil.再过个二三十年,从曼谷到巴西,迈克尔可能会拥有最多的模仿者。

10.She now rules a state with a population nearly equal to that of Brazil.现在,她管辖区域的人口与整个巴西人口相当。