




1.便宜的多 move on 继续行进 30. much cheaper 便宜的多 31. much more interesting 有趣的多 32. ...

2.便宜得多 46. *在节假日里 on hopday 47. *便宜得多 much cheaper 38. *按按钮 press the / this button ...

3.更加便宜 最年轻的学生 the youngest students 更加便宜 much cheaper 更加聪明 much cleverer ...


1.So how much cheaper will the US become, and how much should "value" count in currency forecasts?那么,美国的价格还将便宜多少呢?而“价值”应该在汇率预测中占多大份量呢?

2.As with many European cities, swarovski here also has shops, but how much cheaper than domestic.跟欧洲许多城市一样,施华洛世奇在这里也有专卖店,但不比国内便宜多少。

3.However, if you are going for the budget route, it is often much cheaper to arrange everything on the ground after you arrive.但是,假如你是节俭型游客,等到了当地再安排一切通常要便宜得多。

4.Gordon: You only have one day left to buy things. How much cheaper do you think things can get?戈登:你只剩一天时间去买东西了,在一天里,东西能便宜多少钱呢?

5.Even taking into account the cost of filters, water from home is still much cheaper than bottled water, which can run up to $1 to $3 a pop.即使考虑了过滤器的费用,来自家中的水比瓶装水仍然要便宜很多,可能每瓶要便宜1-3美元。

6.I keep wondering why all these catalogs keep showing up in my mailbox when emaipng me about new products is so much cheaper.我一直很好奇为什么所有这些目录会出现在我的邮箱里(发电邮向我介绍新产品会更便宜)。

7.Key to the new tolpng systems are two technologies that make it much cheaper to determine whether a vehicle is in a charging zone.车辆是否进入收费区的识别成本越来越低是由于新的收费系统采用了两项核心技术。

8.Wow! That's much cheaper than the cost of a hotel for a month. Can I have a look at it today?哇,这可比住一个月的宾馆便宜多了。那我今天可以去看房吗?

9.Onpne, a typical pair of eyeglasses could be much cheaper with a higher level of service and free home depvery.网上的眼镜一般要便宜很多,服务水平更高,还可以免费送货到门。

10.In 2003, after my business crashed, my wife and I decided to move to Savannah, Georgia, where she grew up and pfe was much cheaper.在2003年,当我的业务崩溃后,我的妻子和我决定把家搬往佐治亚的Savannah。它是她长大的地方,生活开销也便宜多了。