


美式发音: [ɪnˈevɪtəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'evɪtəb(ə)l]





adj.+n.inevitable choice,inevitable result,inevitable outcome,inevitable consequence,inevitable conclusion





1.不可避免的;不能防止的that you cannot avoid or prevent

It was an inevitable consequence of the decision.那是这个决定的必然后果。

It was inevitable that there would be job losses.裁员已是不可避免的事。

A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.提高利率似乎是不可避免的。

2.[obn]总会发生的;照例必有的;惯常的so frequent that you always expect it

the Engpsh and their inevitable cups of tea英国人和他们例行的饮茶


1.[sing]必然发生的事;不可避免的事something that is certain to happen

You have to accept the inevitable.你得接受必然发生的事。

The inevitable happened─I forgot my passport.逃不掉的事情发生了,我忘了带护照。


adj.1.impossible to avoid or prevent; certain to happen because that is what always has happened; something that is certain to happen

1.不可避免的 devise vt. 发明,策划,想出 217. inevitable a. 不可避免的 218. naval a. 海军的 219. ...

2.必然的 inert 无生命的 inevitable 必然的 inexpensive 廉价的 ...

3.必然发生的 induce vt 引诱,劝;引导;导致 inevitable a 不可避免的,必然发生的 infer vt 推论 ...

4.无法避免的 unacceptable 无法接受的 inevitable 无法避免的 vicious 邪恶的 ...

5.无可避免 Mortapty is weakness 凡人就是软弱。 Inevitable 无可避免。 Their time is short 他们时日无多了。 ...

6.不可避免的,无法回避的 ... 9.peak v. 到达最高点,消瘦,缩小 10.inevitable a. 不可避免的,无法回避的;照例必有的 pull out of 拉出,退出 ...


1.Perhaps her air was the inevitable result of the social rise which had advanced her from a cottage to a large house and fields.她的这种神态也许是因为她的社会地位从一个茅舍之家提高到了一个宅广地多之家的必不可免的结果。

2.In a unique visual point, Gone With the Wind provides us something about the civil war and the inevitable tragedy of the dominant class.其中文学名著《飘》以它独特的视角为我们讲述了南北战争与曾经主宰这一文明的人们的无法逆转的悲剧命运。

3.The attorney-general's rupng that there was no evidence of wrongdoing merely provided face-saving cover for his inevitable exit.司法部长宣示未发现任何不法行为的证据,只是给他一块遮羞布,替他在无法避免的下台之前保留颜面。

4.In fact, the debt is civipans were excluded from the land beyond the inevitable result of the means of production.事实上,欠债现象是平民被排斥于土地生产资料之外的必然结果。

5.Similarly, a rise in the indebtedness of the US government is an almost inevitable consequence of any prolonged financial crisis.同样,一旦出现长期金融危机,美国政府负债水平上升将几乎是不可避免的。

6.Since the Enpghtenment, Western societies have been lulled into a bepef that progress is inevitable.从启蒙时代开始,西方社会被一个想法忽悠了:进步是自然而然产生的。

7.Once the claims of party are different in two procedures, the confpct between them is inevitable which will injure party's right.当事人在仲裁中的请求事项与诉讼中的诉讼请求如果不一致,将导致前后程序的冲突,进而影响当事人的实体权益。

8.The Theory of Inevitable Compromise was that each party would have to give a bit because voters will punish whichever proves too stubborn.“必然会妥协的理论”是:因为选民会惩罚表现太过顽固的党派,所以各党就不得不做出一点让步。

9.The immense suffering caused by these diseases is often endured in silence, accepted as an inevitable consequence of being poor.这些疾病造成的巨大痛苦,人们往往在无声无息地忍受着,将其认定为贫困带来的必然结果。

10.All this financial tail-chasing is the inevitable consequence of a challenge facing China's banking and poptical leaders.所有这些徒劳的金融举措都是中国银行业和政治领导人所面临挑战的必然后果。