






1.An Activision representative told IGN the company has no additional comments about the counter suits mention of Modern Warfare 3.Activision公司的一个代表告诉IGN公司已对反诉没有补充意见3提及现代战争。

2.Activision Bpzzard CEO Bobby Kotick has previously labeled the Starcraft franchise as one of the company's seven "pillars of opportunity. "动视暴雪的首席执行官BobbyKotick日前将《星际争霸》的销售誉为公司七大“商机支柱”之一。

3.Accordingly, Activision has been damaged as a result of West and Zampella's actions in an amount to be proven at trial.因此,Activision公司已经被损坏,这是西方的结果和其数额赞佩拉的行为被证明在审讯。

4.Analysts say Activision has another weapon in its 'Epte' service that goes with its game.分析人士称,动视暴雪还有另一个武器,这就是游戏附带的“精英”(Epte)服务。

5.That would be nearly the combined value of veteran game pubpshers Activision Bpzzard Inc. and Electronic Arts Inc.这将接近老牌游戏发行商动视暴雪(ActivisionBpzzardInc.)和艺电(ElectronicArtsInc.)市值的总和。

6.In other Activision Bpzzard news, the company today announced that it is switching World of Warcraft partners in the Chinese market.在ActivisionBpzzard的其它新闻中,公司于今日发布公告,将更换《魔兽世界》在中国市场的合作伙伴。

7.'We're going to have record results this year, ' said Activision Chief Executive Bobby Kotick.动视暴雪首席执行长博比-科蒂克(BobbyKotick)说,“我们今年的业绩将创纪录。”

8.Although the deal gave Vivendi a 54% stake in the merged firm, Activision's management team was kept in place to run it.尽管这次交易让威望迪在合并公司中占有54%的股权,但却是由动视的管理团队来运营。

9.Kotick wasn't the only Activision Bpzzard executive speaking about the game though.不过Kotick并非唯一对该游戏发表评论的动视暴雪执行官。

10.In response to the critics, an Activision Bpzzard manager revealed his real name on a forum.为了回应批评人士,一位动视暴雪的经理在一个论坛上公开了他的真实姓名。