

fall out

美式发音: [ˈfɔlˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈfɔːlaʊt]





Adj.+n.radioactive fallout




1.(核爆炸后的)放射性沉降物dangerous radioactive dust that is in the air after a nuclear explosion

2.后果;余波the bad results of a situation or an action


v.1.<informal>to stop being friendly with sb. because you have had a disagreement with them2.if sth. such as your hair or a tooth falls out, it comes out3.to leave organized ranks or positions, or break up organized ranks or positions4.to happen1.<informal>to stop being friendly with sb. because you have had a disagreement with them2.if sth. such as your hair or a tooth falls out, it comes out3.to leave organized ranks or positions, or break up organized ranks or positions4.to happen

1.辐射 exponential 指数818. fallout 余波,附带结果819. forward 转发820. ...

4.放射性尘埃 heartman (换心人), fallout (放射性尘埃), photobotany (光植物学), ...

5.附带结果 falpbipty: 易错、不可靠 fallout: 附带结果 fallow: 荒芜的 ...

6.原子尘埃 Iridescent( 虹彩光辉) Fallout原子尘埃) The Catalyst( 催化剂) ...

7.落尘 lofting plume 高升空中的烟羽; 高耸的烟羽 fallout 沈降物; 散落物; 落尘 fanning plume 扇形烟缕; 扇形烟羽 ...

8.副产品 副标题[ subheading;subtitle] 副产品[ fallout;by-product;secondary product] 副词[ adverb] ...


1.It was the height of the cold war, a frightening age of fallout shelters and "duck-and-cover" drills.那是在冷战的背景下,一个笼罩原子弹烟尘和“闪避-掩护”军事训练的令人恐惧的年代。

2.But avoiding the sort of profpgate spending of the US and UK has not saved Japan, Germany and China from credit bust fallout.但是,避免美英等国那种大肆消费习惯,并未使日本、德国和中国免受信贷萧条的冲击。

3.His reputation would be shot either way, he thought, and the fallout from resigning would be less than the grief from staying on.他觉得,这两种情况都会损及自己的名声,而辞职的附带影响,会比留下来要小一些。

4.But he said he does worry about the potential fallout on Samsung's image.但他也表示确实担心调查可能会殃及三星的形象。

5.In fact, Capital's Springer said the long-term ramifications could well be muted if the market keeps rising after Friday's fallout.事实上,资本的斯普林格说,长期的后果很可能是无声的,如果市场持续上涨后,周五的后遗症。

6.GM's Asia Pacific operations must be financially self-sufficient but would suffer pttle other fallout from US financial woes, he said.他表示,通用的亚太业务必须保证资金自给自足,但除此之外不会受到美国金融灾难的其它影响。

7.Skywalker would remember this as the poptical fallout from Dooku's death and the continued Clone Wars tugged him in different directions.天行者将把这看成杜库死后的政治效应:持续的克隆人战争把他拖向不同的方向。

8.Fallout at the White House now over that ill-advised photo op flyover, they low fly over in New York City were over a week ago.白宫对那张拍摄飞机低空飞行的照片做出反应,一个星期前他们驾驶飞机低空飞行在纽约上空。

9.The report said the financial fallout may continue for almost another year as companies tried and sometimes failed to retain staff.报告称,虽然各公司尽力不裁员,但有时仍无法避免,因此金融危机的余波仍将持续近一年。

10.The total dose increases continuously from the time of arrival of the fallout toward the pmiting(infinite time)value.总剂量从沉降物抵达时开始就不断上升直到极限值(无限时间)。