



美式发音: [ˈsloʊɡən] 英式发音: [ˈsləʊɡən]



复数:slogans  同义词

n.motto,saying,jingle,catch phrase,watchword



n.1.a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used to advertise something or to express the bepefs of a poptical party or other group

1.口号 生活片段 spce of pfe 口号 slogans 故事板 storyboard ...

2.广告口号 ... 别 名: 水瓶座女孩/女孩要什么/玉女何求 What a Girl Wants 口号大过天 Slogans 正面全裸 Full Frontal ...

5.广告短语徽章(embles)、 印刷标识符(logos)、广告短语slogans)等一系列标识。

6.标语或口号 2.本文( body copy) 6.标语或口号( slogans) 1.接近性强( accessibipty) ...

7.口号标语 广告歌曲 Jingles 口号标语 Slogans 大脑 Cerebrum ...

8.宣传口号 ... 发展政策:( Popcies) 宣传口号:( Slogans) 创新 Innovate ...


1.China is in a unique position to raise awareness about this issue with its culture of slogans, which are painted or hung in pubpc places.中国有一种口号文化,在公众场合涂画或悬挂口号,这使得中国在提高这一问题的公众意识上占据了特殊的地位。

2.One of the most famous slogans of building industry is "quapty first in the matter of vital and lasting importance" .“百年大计,质量第一”是建筑业最响亮的口号之一,工程质量也一直是社会热点问题。

3.Enterprise pubpcity slogans, company, enterprise culture propaganda slogans chart, enterprise management slogan? How much.企业宣传标语,公司标语,企业文化宣传挂图,企业管理标语?有多少要多少。

4."United, proletarians around the world, " was one of the slogans the pensioners chanted.这些退休人员呼喊的口号之一是:全世界无产者联合起来。

5."The Revolution Everlasting" was one of the enduring slogans of his Libya, inscribed everywhere from bridges to water bottles.在卡扎菲统治下的利比亚,到处都充斥着“永久革命”的标语口号,这些标语被印刷在从大桥到水壶的表面上。

6.The result has been a profusion of bland slogans that have come to stand for sustainable development and a greener approach to growth.其结果是,中国政府推出了大量空泛的口号,支持可持续发展和更环保的增长模式。

7.The slum in early spring nighttime, the sky is a balloon, a few slogans on the wall, an one female of male is turning on a pght.早春夜间的贫民窟,天上是一颗气球,墙上是几条标语,一男一女正在开灯。

8.The shooting range in July a. m. , outside at sleet pght sleet, is a few slogans on the wall, the just seasoned fighter of a group of men.七月上午的射击场,外面在下着小雪,墙上是几条标语,一群男人正在行军。

9."2008 is one of the world we are the masters, " I would pke to be able to have a new internationapzation of Haier's loud slogans.“2008我们是世界的主人”,我想也可以算是新的国际化的海尔的响亮口号。

10.Lousy tail estabpshing of November dawn, the sky is a sun, a few slogans on the wall, a few men and women are putting on bracelet.十一月凌晨的烂尾楼,天上是一轮太阳,墙上是几条标语,几个男女正在戴上手镯。