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网络释义:尼;国家人文基金会(National Endowment for the Humanities);尼希米记(Nehemiah)


abbr.1.National Endowment for the Humanities

1.尼 拉( Ezr) ( Neh) 斯( Est) ...

2.国家人文基金会(National Endowment for the Humanities) 以斯拉记 Ezra 尼希米记 Neh 以斯帖记 Est ...

4.全国人文学科捐赠基金会 ECB 欧洲中央银行 NEH 全国人文学科捐赠基金会 VIP 贵宾 ...


1.Welcome also to a special guest of the NEH, the Ambassador from Italy, Ambassador Castellaneta.并且欢迎到NEH的一位特别来宾,大使从意大利,Castellaneta大使。

2.The key point of this algorithm is to integrate NEH heuristics with ant colony optimization.该算法的要点是结合了NEH启发式算法和蚁群优化方法。

3.Little salty. - Not at all. It's good, neh?有点咸-不会啊,味道很好不是吗?。

4.Half of the workers were to stand watch while half rebuilt the walls (Neh. 4: 13-18).一半工人守望,另一半重建城墙(尼希米记4章13-18节)。

5.Neh 2: 4 Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request?尼2:4王问我说:“你要求什么?”于是我默祷天上的神。

6.Well, long time no see neh, guess that I've failed my Chinese Speaking Test.你们好!这是,因为真很长的时间我还没上网,所以不能更新我的博客。

7.Neh 3: 23 After him repaired Benjamin and Hashub over against their house.尼3:23其次是便雅悯与哈述对著自己的房屋修造。

8.National Endowment for the Humanities, NEH及国家人文基金会

9.The National Endowment for the Humanities, NEH科研项目获得了美国国家人文学科基金