




1.新游戏 游戏名称:怪物猎人3 Monster Hunter Tri NEW GAME开始新游戏 OPTIONS: 设置 ...

3.开始游戏 Credits: 制作人员 New Game开始游戏 Load Game: 载入游戏 ...

4.新的游戏 TERMS 制作组 NEW GAME 新的游戏 CONTINUE 继续游戏 ...

5.下新游戏 QUIT( 退出) NEW GAME( 新建游戏) FIND SERVERS( 找服务器) ...

7.最新游戏 CREDITS- 学分 NEW GAME最新游戏 CONTINUE- 继续上次游戏 ...

8.重新开始新的游戏 ... RESUME GAME------ 继续先前的最后存档 NEW GAME------------ 重新开始新的游戏 MISSION SELECT--- 选择 …


1.With Japanese interest rates now heading up as well, such investors may have to think of a new game.由于日本利率现在也要上升了,这些投资者们也许要考虑开始一个新游戏了吧。

2.When he was at college, his class was asked to invent a new game that could be played indoors during the long winters.当他在大学时,他的班级被要求发明一种在漫长冬季可以在市内玩的游戏。

3.I stood in restless anticipation, wondering what sort of new game he was about to teach us.我焦虑不安地站在那儿,满怀期待,想知道他将要教我们什么样的新游戏。

4.The generator needs just a few seconds to construct a new game by randomizing digits and positions.生成器仅仅需要几秒钟时间就可以按照随机数字和位置构造一个新的游戏。

5.Stagg is so closely associated with football that many forget he was one of the first to play the new game of basketball.史塔哥和足球的关系是如此的密切,以致于许多人都忘记他是最先参与篮球运动的选手之一。

6.The first footage of the new game perfectly showcases the new animation and freedom elements that beat at the heart of the new game.新游戏的第一画面完美展示了新的动画和自由的元素,在新的游戏心跳。

7.He had been working for a long time on a new game that would have the excitement of the American football.他很长时间以来一直在研究一项新游戏,这个新游戏与美式足球一样另人兴奋。

8.A totally new game experience, original urban soundtrack and graffiti-decal graphics add up to great fun in this fast-paced mini-puzzler.一个全新的游戏体验,原创配乐和城市涂鸦贴花图形加起来很大的乐趣在这个快节奏的小益智游戏。

9.Whenever we make a new game we aim to make it genre defining and to take it to the next level and differentiate it from the past.每当我们制作一个新游戏,目标就是去定义一个类型,让它与过去不同达到一个新的水平。

10.Instead, what Jack found the most fun was a new game I made up to keep him entertained.相反,杰克感到最有趣的是一个我自编出给让他解闷的一个新游戏。