




1.年轻的母亲 梳整头发的少女﹝ Girl Arranging Her Hair﹞ 年轻的母亲Young Mother﹞ 沐浴﹝ The bath﹞ ...

2.年轻的妈妈说 标错参 Toerrishumane 初为人母 Young mother 暴风眼 Crystal fortune run ...



1.From the moment I saw you smile, as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby. I knew.从我见你那一刻起,你正微笑着给一位年轻母亲和怀里抱的初生婴儿开门。

2.See, I'm just trying to be a hip young mother and get along with your friends.看到了吧。我只是想做个跟得上时代的潮妈,跟你朋友好好相处。

3.Opposite me there was a young mother who was trying to stop her son from making a noise.坐在我对面的是一位年轻的母亲,她正试图阻止她的儿子吵闹。

4.She was a bored and divorced young mother half his age, he was a man with too many wives and mistresses who was just passing through.诺里斯,一个无趣的离异妈妈,年纪是梅勒的一半;梅勒,妻子和情人数量不少,正好经过阿堪萨斯。

5.Mrs. Gill asked Paul what he thought was funny about a young mother putting her head inside an oven.吉尔小姐问保罗,一个年轻的母亲把她的脑袋放进烤箱里,他是不是会感到好笑。

6.When she found that the baby still had a high temperature after twelve hours, the young mother decided to go for a doctor.当年轻母亲发现宝宝在12小时后高烧仍不退,她决定去请医生。

7.They were too engrossed in their shopping to see the young mother with the baby at her breast.他们都在全神贯注地忙着购物,无暇顾及我这个给孩子喂奶的年轻妈妈。

8.And now it has seen the son of a goatherd in Africa and a young mother from Kansas ascend to the most powerful office in the world.而现在,它终于看到了,一个非洲牧羊人父亲和一个堪萨斯州年轻母亲的儿子,入主了这个世界上最具权力的办公室。

9.This person was a young mother who was in the hospital because she had planned to kill her two young children, as well as herself.她是一位年轻的母亲,她住院是因为她曾打算杀死她和她的两个小孩。

10.There was an intent look on the young mother's face when she pstened to her daughter reciting.那位年轻妈妈在听女儿朗诵时脸上露出热切的神情。