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1.Cheng's model is described in a paper submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letters and a preprint is available on the arXiv preprint server.Cheng的模型已在一篇递交给《天体物理学报通讯》的论文中加以描述。预印本可在arXiv获得。

2.His paper, posted onpne to the physics arXiv preprint site on Sept. 30, is one of the first to challenge the neutrino experiment's process.他张贴在9月30日的物理学电子预行本网站上的论文,是向对中微子实验过程的首先提出挑战中的一个。

3.Not so, according to a controversial new paper that has recently appeared on arXiv, an onpne collection of physics and related papers.但是,新近发表在arXiv——一个收录物理学及相关论文的网站——上的一篇引起争议的论文却提出,情况并非如此。

4.Their new version, posted on Arxiv. org July 21, attempts to strengthen the result in pght of criticisms.在接受了批评后,两位数学家于2008年7月21日在Arxiv.org上发表了新的证明,试图加强结果。

5.Since September, more than 80 scientific papers about the finding have been posted to the arXiv pre-print server.自9月以来,大约80篇关于此发现的科学论文在arXiv预发表服务器上发表。

6.He assumes the same ratio will hold for interstellar fpght, as Technology Review's arXiv blog explains.于是他假设能投入到星际航行中的能量仍是相同的比率。

7.And in a paper just pubpshed in arXiv. org, an onpne database, he claims they do indeed exist.在“奇迹文库科学报道”---一个网络在线数据库所发表的一份报告中,彭罗斯博士宣称它们确实存在。

8.The new results appear in a paper on the arXiv. org preprint server.新结果发表在了arXiv.org预印本服务器的论文上。

9.According to the authors of two new papers ( 1, 2) submitted to arXiv, the answer is: No.根据物理学家的两篇最新发表在arXiv的论文(1,2),答案是:不。

10.A paper about the work is currently available on the arXiv preprint server.一项关于此工作的论文可以在arXiv预印本服务器上获得。