


网络释义:弯曲梁流变仪(Bending Beam Rheometer);黑匣子记录器(Black Box Recorder);宝贝儿拍卖系统


1.弯曲梁流变仪(Bending Beam Rheometer)用弯曲梁流变仪BBR)做 简支梁弯曲试验来评价沥青的抗热氧老化性能、疲 劳及低温抗裂性能,重点是反映抵抗温度收缩开 …

2.黑匣子记录器(Black Box Recorder)Girl singing in the wreckage由英国乐队Black Box Recorder(BBR)演唱。它是著名的低调乐队The Auteurs的灵魂人物——luke a…

3.宝贝儿拍卖系统宝贝儿拍卖系统 (BBR) 是一套基于ASP+ACCESS和ASP+MSSQL技术的多用户网络拍卖商城购物系统。经过6年的坚持与努力…


1.The BBR is an annual charity event of WWF which helps to raise funds for our conservation and education programs .香港观鸟大赛是本会一年一度的慈善项目,为本会的保育和教育项目筹募经费。

2.The robot's overall behavior is emergent, and, according to BBR proponents, can be greater than the sum of its parts.机器人的总体行为是突然的(emergent),根据BBR支持者的说法,它的效果好于其部分之和。

3.BBR can be implemented using a subsumption architecture.可以使用包容体系结构(subsumptionarchitecture)实现BBR。

4.BBR is perhaps the dominant philosophy in robotics labs today.BBR在当今的机器人实验室中占主要地位。

5.Make and follow up PR of Admin function in BBR.操作BBR系统,负责公司行政事务的请购单。

6.Bundle branch reentrant ventricular tachycardia, BBR VT束支折返性室性心动过速

7.From 1998 BBR team has only made three albums, but each mayBBR从从1998年组队至今只发了三张专辑,但却每张都可能称为你的收藏品。