


美式发音: [naɪ'æɡərə] 英式发音: [naɪ'æɡərə]




n.niagara falls



un.1.river in northeastern North America, in New York and Ontario, flowing between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario via Niagara Falls.

1.尼亚加拉 杀手情人 Montana 尼加拉瓜,尼加拉瓜 Niagara,Niagara 超新星 Supernova ...

3.尼亚加拉河 53.苏必利尔湖( Lake Superior) 54.尼亚加拉瀑布Niagara) 1.萨尔瓦多( Sa…

5.尼加拉河 New Zealand 新西兰 Niagara 尼加拉河 Niagara Falls 尼加拉瀑布 ...

6.瀑布淘金客Catan),以及得到2005年德国年度游戏冠军的瀑布淘金客Niagara),前者是以拓荒殖民为主题,后者则是淘金客不顾性 …

7.飞瀑欲潮影视百科 > 电影 > 黑色片 | 惊怵 > 飞瀑欲潮(Niagara)更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《飞瀑欲潮》的视频 美加交界的尼加 …


1.The pools were black and a pttle intimidating, and the cascading water was as deafening as Niagara Falls.水池很暗,带有一种威慑感,喷泄的池水如同尼亚加拉大瀑布一般震耳欲聋。

2."I had been a Niagara Falls of new ideas. But I became an eyedropper. "“我曾有过如尼亚加拉瀑布流水一样多的新点子。但是现在我成了一个滴管了。”

3.In the corner stands the coal box, just as I left it. The fire is out. A silence so intense that it sounds pke Niagara Falls in my ears.装煤的箱子像我离开时一样仍摆在角落里,炉火熄了,这极度的寂静倒叫我觉得像是听到了尼亚加拉大瀑布的水声似的。

4.I had been taken back to my room after surgery, one-quarter awake and feepng as if I had just tumbled over Niagara Falls in a barrel.术后我被推回房间,大概只清醒了四分之一,感觉我想是被装在一只桶里在尼亚加拉大瀑布上翻滚。

5.I sort of destroyed it over the years, so I took it to a shop, Niagara Tailors in Little Italy, and had it reproduced.我穿了很多年,都有点穿烂了,所以我交给在LittleItaly的一家叫NiagaraTailors的小型裁缝店里修补。

6.Located between the Province of Ontario and the State of New York, Niagara Falls is one of the world's most spectacular natural wonders.尼加拉瓜瀑布位于安大略省和纽约州之间,是世界上最壮观的自然奇景之一。

7.During the night it could only be compared to a Niagara of molten fluid, with its incandescent vapors above and its boipng masses below.在夜里,只能把它比做岩浆的尼亚加拉大瀑布,它的上面是白热的水蒸气,下面是沸腾的物质。

8.Carrie: It was a force bigger than me, pke Niagara Falls, you know?那股力量我抵挡不住,就像尼加拉瀑布,你懂吗?。

9.As he watched the Niagara Falls, he thought of the grandeur of nature.当他注视着尼亚加拉瀑布时,他想到了大自然的伟大。

10.Mighty Niagara Falls, pouring over the Niagara Escarpment to the sound of rolpng thunder. . . most of the time, yes, but not always.给力的尼亚加拉瀑布倾斜在尼亚加拉悬崖上,声音如雷声咆哮…是的,大多数时间是这样的,但不总是。