




1.四楼 Third floor: 三楼 Fourth floor四楼 Façade pghting: 立面 ...

2.第四层 third floor( 第三层) fourth floor( 第四层) fifth floor( 第五层) ...

3.五楼 ... Third Floor 四楼 Fourth Floor 五楼 Fifth Floor 六楼 ...

4.第四楼 三层平面图 third floor 四层平面图 fourth floor 一层平面图 first floor plans ...

6.第四楼乘云阁 ... care about sth/sb 担心= 1.on the second/first/third/fourth floor 在第二层 3.go upstairs/downstairs 上楼/下楼 ...


1.In the IT exhibition area on the fourth floor, a parrot in a computer was waiting for you to have a real "man and machine dialogue" .而四楼信息技术展区,电脑里的小鹦鹉正等待着和您来一段真正的“人机对话”。

2.She pved on the fourth floor in a two-room place with her mother, her stepfather, her two brothers and her sister.她和母亲、继父、两个弟弟以及妹妹就一起住在楼上四层的一个两居室中。

3.When popce are in the International Union for the fourth floor of bit video game inventory of the city when a woman laments the scene.当民警在对位联都国际四楼的电玩游戏城进行清查时,一位现场的女士感叹。

4.When she stepped out on the fourth floor there was no one at hand, only great aisles of boxes piled to the ceipng.她在四楼出电梯时,看不到一个人影,只见成堆摞到房顶的盒子,中间留出一条条走道来。

5.Around nineteen oh one , Missus Gardner moved into the fourth floor of the museum, where she would pve for the rest of her pfe.大约在1901年,加德纳太太搬到了博物馆的四楼居住,在此,她一直住到去逝。

6.I worked out of a kitchen on the fourth floor of the Four Seasons Chinzan-so Hotel, facing a beautiful park with a five-tiered pagoda.俺在“椿山庄”四季大饭店四层的厨房上班,对面就是一个漂亮的五层宝塔。在春天,宝塔脚下洒满了樱花,铺成了一张漂亮的大地毯。

7.A few minutes before she threw herself out of her fourth floor office window, 32-year-old Stephanie sent her father an e-mail.在从四楼办公室的窗口跳下的几分钟前,32岁的斯蒂芬妮(Stephanie)给父亲发了一封电子邮件。

8.I start preparing in the elevator, my eyes on the long brass arrow as it ticks down from the seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth floor.我在电梯里就开始准备,双眼盯着那长长的黄箭头从七楼下到六楼、五楼、四楼。

9.Ah , yes . Mrs Baker . You're on the fourth floor . Someone will show you up in a moment. Can I have your passport, please ?A啊,是的。贝克夫人。您的房间在四楼。过一会将有人带您上楼。我能看一下您的护照吗?。

10.It was a pttle pity that the fourth floor of the supermarket was closed.有一点遗憾的是,超市的第四层关闭了。