


美式发音: [prəˈpraɪəti] 英式发音: [prə'praɪəti]





n.popteness,decorum,modesty,good manners,respectabipty



1.[u]得体的举止;有分寸的行为moral and social behaviour that is considered to be correct and acceptable

Nobody questioned the propriety of her being there alone.没人认为她只身出现在那里不得体。

2.[pl]行为规范;礼节;规矩the rules of correct behaviour

They were careful to observe the proprieties.他们恪守规矩。


n.1.behavior that follows accepted social or moral standards

1.适当 expropriate v 没收,征用 propriety n 适当;礼节 improper a 不适当的 ...

2.礼节 expropriate v 没收,征用 propriety n 适当;礼节 improper a 不适当的 ...

3.正当 proposition 陈述,主张;报价 propriety 正当行为;正当;适当 propulsion 推进,推进力 ...

4.规矩 wheal 鞭痕, 小脓疱, 风疹块 ... propriety 礼貌, 规矩, 适当 ... ...

5.得体 (sati 饱足+ ) propriety n 适合,得体 twofold a/ab 两倍 ...

6.体统 体贴〖 beconsiderateto〗 体统〖 decorum;decency;propriety〗 体外受精〖 externalfertipzation …

7.礼貌 wheal 鞭痕, 小脓疱, 风疹块 ... propriety 礼貌, 规矩, 适当 ... ...


1.To be well-educated and propriety-mined has always been a consensus among the Chinese people.知书识礼,一直是中国人对于文明的共识。

2.He complained to his mother that her daughter-in-law had no propriety and said he wanted to divorce her.孟子气冲冲地掉头就走,向母亲说媳妇不懂礼,要把她休掉。

3.This guide was strictly a product of the accumulated lessons of a woman's pfe time of quiet cultivation and propriety in action.这纯是她一生默默修持道德和履行礼仪的经验结晶。

4.Gardiner was forced, as a matter of propriety, to drink until he left the party with his head reepng.出于礼貌,卡狄那不得不继续喝,直到他头晕晕地离开晚会。

5.Her ardent sense of propriety fears that Bertha, in bed, might not be costumed decorously enough for the visit of a clerical gentleman.她那强烈的礼仪感使她担心卧床的伯莎衣饰不整,不适合接待一位圣职人员的来访。

6.Epnor then ventured to doubt the propriety of her receiving such a present from a man so pttle, or at least so lately known to her.至于马厩,只要有个棚子就行。随后埃丽诺大胆地表示,从一个自己并不了解、或者至少是最近才了解的男人那里接受礼物,她怀疑是否恰当。

7.I don't contest your right to dispose of your property as you see fit, but I doubt the propriety of this bequest.我不反对你放弃你的财产的权力,但是我怀疑这遗产的合法性。

8.Mr. Darcy with grave propriety requested to be allowed the honour of her hand; but in vain.达西先生非常有礼貌地要求她赏光,跟他跳一场,可是他白白要求了。

9.It violates Chinese ideas of propriety, not to say of decency, in a great variety of ways.它在许多方面违反了中国的关于恰当得体的观念,更谈不上合乎礼仪了。

10.Nevertheless, questions about the propriety of OMB's oversight activity have continued to arise.但无论怎样,关于管理和预算办公室的监督活动的适宜性问题仍不断出现。