


美式发音: [noʊˈvembər] 英式发音: [nəʊˈvembə(r)]

n.十一月;通讯中用以代替字母 n 的词





1.十一月the 11th month of the year, between October and December

n.1.十一月2.通讯中用以代替字母 n 的词

n.1.the eleventh month of the year, between October and December

1.十一月 October( 十月) November( 十一月) December( 十二月) 2《星期类》 : ...

2.十一月份 十月份 October 十一月份 November 十二月份 December ...

3.惊魂十一月000 Miles to Graceland)、《惊魂十一月》(November)、《最长的一码》(The Longest Yard)、《阿尔法狗》(Alpha Dog)、《 …

4.沧月 退伍军人节 (十一月十一日)( November 11) 新年 (一月一日)( January 1) ...

6.指示一年中第十一个月的 MONTH 指示月份的 NOVEMBER 指示一年中第十一个月的 OCTOBER 指示一年中第十 …


1."Now, for the record, let me say that it feels pretty good to stop at least one shellacking this November. "“坦率地讲,这至少使11月的这次惨败带来的郁闷之情一扫而光,感觉棒极了。”

2.She said there was no decision on whether the winner of the November 4 election will attend.她说,还没有决定11月4号总统选举的获胜者是否出席这次峰会。

3.A few things you should know: I love Christmas music and am prone to breaking it out in early November.有几件事你得知道:我热爱圣诞音乐,在十一月初我就会等不及开始放的。

4."The early signs suggest that the November data cycle is pkely to be extremely weak, " analysts at RDQ economics said in a research note.RDQeconomics的分析师在研究报告中称:“初始的信号显示,11月数据料将极度疲软。”

5.It was the sixth of November, in the sixth year of my reign, or my captivity, that I set out on this voyage.在我当国王—或者也可以说,在我作俘虏的第六年的十一月六日,我开始了这次航行。

6.The new version was completed in 2009 and was slated for release last November. MGM's bankruptcy meant there was no budget for promotion.新版在2009年拍完了,本来打算去年11月份上映,但MGM公司破产了,没有宣传的预算。

7.As I left Kandahar last November, I asked Hamidi when he planned to call it a day.我去年11月份离开坎大哈时,曾问过哈米迪他计划何时辞职。

8.In terms of money, your cash flow seems to have been tight for months, but should improve in November.在金钱方面,你的现金流似乎已经数月紧张,但应会有所改善十一月。

9.The carry trade appears to have been squeezed out of the system by about late November, when the yen and the Vix halted their joint ascent.似乎到大约去年11月下旬的时候,套利交易就已被排挤在金融体系之外——当时,VIX指数和日元不再联袂攀升。

10.The next November, she went door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, then handed them out with the baskets.于是,在接下来的11月里,Carly挨家挨户的询问是否有用过的衣服、帽子、手套还有围巾,并把它们收集起来塞满感恩节的小篮子。